1974 Series 6

1974 Series 6: This set came standard in tan back stock, and is another common set.

#1 Mold Rush- $2

#2 Piwi- $2

#3 Eviltime- $2

#4 Sugar Daffy- $2

#5 Run A Way- $5

#6 Fruit of the Tomb- $2

#7 Truant- $5

#8 Play Dumb- $2

#9 Blisterine- $2

#10 Super Cigar Crisp- $2

#11 Airraid- $2

#12 Peter Pain- $2

#13 Generally Demented- $2

#14 Goonman's- $2

#15 Monotony- $2

#16 Baby Runt- $2

#17 Valveater- $2

#18 Snarlamint- $2

#19 My Sink- $2

#20 Cut Rong- $2

#21 Scare Deal- $2

#22 What Man's- $2

#23 Jerkens- $2

#24 Bit O Money- $2

#25 Ditch Boy- $2

#26 Spills Bros- $2

#27 Clammy- $2

#28 Bar Kist- $2

#29 Sneer- $2

#30 Broomo Seltzer- $2

#31 Virginia Slums- $2

#32 Footsie Roll- $2

#33 Bum Bums- $2