147.330 -.6mhz offset PL of 88.5 wide coverage area, running mixed mode analog or P25
443.575 +5mhz offset YSF-C4FM fusion linked to Oklahoma Link 3140122 Wires-X
444.800 +5mhz offset NAC 293 P25 only Connected to MMDVM P25 Network. Normally connected to North America TG 10200. Users can change to any TG. TG 9999 disconnects from connected room. Use TG 9999 for Local only use, TG1 will also only go out locally but you will need to disconnect any connected TG first.
442.125 +5mhz DMR CC1 TS1 TS1 is for Dynamic. example WW or North America. TS2 is for Oklahoma Static TG's. Click here for repeater status . Talk Group Setup for your codeplug
Local TG 2 – Stays on the same repeater and isn’t routed to any other repeater. This talkgroup stays local to each repeater, so it is not available to hear on the Brandmeister Hose.
Oklahoma TAC TG 31400 – This talkgroup is to be used for special event activities. An example of this would be the OKC Memorial Marathon or some other ARES event. This talkgroup should be used on Time Slice 1, and during actual events, the repeater owners will make these static on the repeaters in the affected areas.
Central Oklahoma TG 31401 – This talkgroup links the Depew repeater and everything west of there into this channel. This static talkgroup is in Time Slice 2, in the Central Oklahoma Standard assignments.
Eastern Oklahoma TG 31402 – This talkgroup links the Depew repeater and everything east into this channel. This talkgroup is a static talkgroup in Time Slice 2, in the Eastern Oklahoma Standard assignments.
OK Statewide TG 3140 – This talkgroup links all of the Oklahoma repeaters into one group. This talkgroup is used for the Monday ARES net. This talkgroup is a static talkgroup in Time Slice 2, in the Oklahoma Standard assignments.
TS1. Time slot 1 on my repeater is for you to connect and use "dynamic TG's" such as World Wide, North America, or any other talk group. There are a few Oklahoma TG's that will use TS1, but most use TS2. Again, you need to program your radio appropriately for the time slots and talkgroups. If you have a question not answered here, you can contact me for clarification.
224.34 -1.6mhz PL88.5 Allstar Node 45355 Check Node Status Here This repeater is part of the 220 system built and maintained by W5RAB, WD5EDT and WA5VMS/SK. Normally this repeater is connected to Allstar Link Node 46522 the WD5ETD 220 Reflector.Reflector Status Click Here
927.0125 -25mhz analog D074/D074 or P25 NAC293 This repeater has Pi3B+ running hamvoip Allstar. Node number is 45191. Node Status Here
145.030 Simplex VARA FM node Callsign N5QP-10 Download Winlink Here
144.39 APRS