The WA5VMS Repeater Club was formed as a way to pay tribute to a longtime friend and mentor WA5VMS/SK Joe Borovetz of Muskogee, Oklahoma. He worked as a Motorola Radio Tech for many years and prior to that worked in Public Safety communications.  Joe was an active member in the KK5I Muskogee Amateur Radio club for many, many years. He also contributed to building and maintaining repeater systems for other clubs in the NE Oklahoma area.  This club provides me N5QP, the ability to use Joe's callsign on the repeaters that he had put on the air over the years. He built a first class repeater site. I now own the site, but you will still hear WA5VMS as repeater ID's. All licensed amateurs are welcome and encouraged to use the repeaters listed. That's what they are there for!

Joe was also active with TAPR. This link has a short write up from TAPR. tapr.org/joe-borovetz-wa5vms-sk/