This workshop covers quite a bit of material, so it's important for everyone to have at least a minimal knowledge of HTML at the start. One of the best ways to learn is with small snippets of code that can be easily explored. An excellent online resource for learning HTML has been developed by w3schools. The pre-work consists of:

The HTML page you create will be used during the first morning of the workshop, as part of the lesson on CSS (i.e., we will add color and other styling to your page). If you are unable to get through all the requirements, a file will be provided for you to use. Please note that these requirements are all straightforward modifications of the examples provided by w3schools. There are no challenges or problem solving; you will simply copy some code from the TryIt Editor and modify to fit our assignment. An example is changing the header text to something like "Welcome to Cyndi's Page".

W3schools Html Editor Download

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If you are completely new to programming, this section is critical, as you need to create one .html file and run it within a browser on your computer. This is not difficult, but it does require that you understand files and folders.

To receive credit for your pre-work, and so that it is accessible during theworkshop, please copy all your files (one .html and at least one image file) onto a flash drive. Your work will be reviewed briefly during the first day ofthe workshop.

There are many different online code editors on the web that you can use (for free) as well. These are editors that can be used when writing HTML/CSS/JavaScript code. For example, in addition to the online editor from, there are services such as:,,,,,,, etc. Some online editors can be used for other programming languages as well.

As for the first question, in both Moodle 1.9.x and 2.0.x once you go into html mode, none of the buttons are available. The buttons are actually macros that apply the html commands, and are available in the wysiwyg editor, but not the html editor - no need.

A word of caution here, if you or your team do not know a lot of html, then do not go there. Having said that, there are a lot of free tutorials on how to write basic html on the web, like W3Schools,, and lots and lots more. All you need in Moodle is the structure and format, ie style, commands, or tags. The way Moodle is written fills in all the rest for you. HTML is really easy to pickup, I have taught it to absolute beginners and they were writing their own web pages in just minutes.

if you are asking about editing html files you have imported into Moodle, then you can do so, but not with an active tool bar, for the same reason, the buttons are macros that supply the html commands, so no need for them in html mode.

Or if the HTML page is created with tools like MS Word (saved as html file) characters like  may look like ??? in HTMLArea because moodle is using UTF-8 and that file may use for example charset=windows-1252 - not to mention all that MSOHTML rubbish... that can of course be cleaned with editor buttons ff782bc1db

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