[POTW #1: Objectified: Response]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Objectified: Response goes to:

Daniela S

Letecia O

Jayden M

Justyce K

Ben F

[POTW #2: Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation goes to:

Jayden M

Justyce K

Isabella W

Letecia O

Lucy W

Kenny R

[POTW #3: Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement goes to:

Isabella W

Lucy W

Daniela S

Jayden M

[POTW #4: Mesh Mashup: HD Renders]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Mesh Mashup: HD Renders goes to:

Jayden M

Daniela S

Carellene R

Jaemin J

Honorable Mentions:

Ayla A

Letecia O

John P

Kenny R

Isabella W

Ziang Y

[POTW #5: Reading Week Extra Credit]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Reading Week Extra Credit goes to:

Ayla A

Jaemin J

Jayden M

Daniela S

[POTW #6: Papercraft: Digital Samples]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Papercraft: Digital Samples goes to:

Daniela S

Lucy W

[POTW #7: Papercraft: Printed Template]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Papercraft: Printed Template goes to:

Daniela S

Leti O

Jayden M

Isabella W

Lucy W

[POTW #8: Papercraft: First Prototype]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Papercraft: Frist Prototype goes to:

John P

Daniela S

Lucy W

Jayden M

Honorable Mentions:

Ayla A

Liro L

Leti O


[POTW #9: Papercraft: Final Revision]

Post of the Week for Assignment: Papercraft: Final Revision goes to:

Daniela S: Diablo de Yare

Honorable Mentions:

Ben F

Jayden M


Ayla A

Liro L