Privacy Policy

I. Preface

We attach great importance to the privacy and personal information protection of users. This Privacy Policy is intended to explain to you how we collect, use, store, share and protect your personal information when you use "Amazing&Easy QR scanner" (hereinafter referred to as "this application" or "application"). Please be sure to read this Privacy Policy carefully before using this application. Once you choose to use this application, you agree that we collect, use, store and share your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

II. Information we collect

Device information: When you use this application, we may collect information such as your device model, operating system version, device identifier (such as IMEI, MAC address), etc., so that we can optimize application performance, provide customized services and diagnose problems.

Usage information: We will collect your use of this application, such as the frequency of scanning QR codes, the type of QR codes scanned, etc., so that we can improve application functions and user experience.

Other information: Except for the above information, the rest of the information is not required

III. How we use information

Provide services: We will use the collected information to provide the core functions of this application, such as scanning QR codes, parsing QR code content, etc.

Optimize the experience: We will use the collected information to optimize the performance of the application and improve the application functions to provide a better user experience.

Market research: We may use anonymized usage information for market research and data analysis to improve our products and services.

IV. Information Sharing

Service providers: We may share your information with partners who provide services to us, such as data analysis companies, cloud storage service providers, etc. We will sign a strict confidentiality agreement with them to ensure the security of your information.

Legal requirements: We may share your information with government agencies or other relevant departments when required by laws and regulations.

V. Information Security

We have taken a series of technical and security measures to protect the security of your information, including but not limited to data encryption, access control, security audits, etc. However, please note that the Internet environment is not absolutely safe, and we cannot guarantee that your information is absolutely safe during transmission. Therefore, please be vigilant when using this application and take appropriate security measures.

VI. Protection of minors

We attach great importance to the privacy protection of minors. If your children use this application, please pay attention to and comply with this privacy policy. We recommend that you set appropriate access rights and regulatory measures on your children's devices to ensure the safety of their use of the application.

VII. Contact Information and Change Notification

We may modify this Privacy Policy based on changes in laws and regulations or business needs. After the modification, we will inform you of the modification through in-app notifications or other appropriate means. Please review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of our latest policies.