Weak Libido? Difficulty with potency? Ejaculation too soon? Penis size too small? All of these men's problems are supposed to be eliminated with the potency capsules called Vyprimax.
The manufacturer promises a whole range of good effects on the body, but there is a promotional video from the provider on the Internet that seems suspicious to us. The manufacturer blames the German government for ensuring that the ingredient in its capsules (Vyprimax) is not known. What exactly is it all about? What's really in the capsules? Is it a miracle cure or another rip-off product?
What is Vyprimax?
Vyprimax is a dietary supplement. It is a sexual enhancer in capsule form for men. According to the manufacturer, the active ingredient is supposed to promote the feeling of pleasure, improve the erection and make the penis grow. But the promise of action should not only improve sex life, but also have other positive effects on the body.
The manufacturer promises the following effects if the capsules are taken regularly:
Optimized testosterone levels
Increase in fertility and sexual desire
Improvement of spermatogenesis
Elimination of erectile dysfunction
Enlargement of the limb
Are there any real Vyprimax experiences?
Despite our research, we cannot find any authentic testimonials from real customers. That seems dubious to us, because normally there are always consumers on the Internet who exchange information about all possible products and how they work. This does not seem to be the case with Vyprimax.
More dubious sales methods
On the manufacturer's website we can find information and tips that Vyprimax has already been reported several times. Newspapers and magazines such as Bild, Playboy, Men’s Health, Der Spiegel and Stern wrote about the product and how it works.
However, during our research we cannot find any references, sources or other links about the supposed publications about the capsules in the media mentioned. These messages seem to have been simply invented by the manufacturer so that his product stands in a better light.
Vyprimax ingredients
In the promotional video, the manufacturer makes it very exciting when it comes to the ingredients of Vyprimax. The federal government would prevent the substance from becoming known. This message from the manufacturer seems very strange to us and makes us doubt the seriousness of the manufacturer and its product.
The provider mentions that other substances would rather be sold that would also have side effects. It is an allusion to the pharmaceutical industry. At the end of the video, the consumer is then informed that the Lepidium Maca plant is the main active ingredient in the preparation. What other ingredients are in the capsules is not revealed.
Correct intake
The manufacturer leaves the consumer in the dark about the intake and dosage of the capsules. However, it is mentioned in the promotional video that there are 60 capsules in a can and that this represents a monthly supply. We assume that two Vyprimax capsules should be taken daily.
However, we do not find any information as to whether the potency capsules should be swallowed in the morning and evening or all at once. The consumer is also not told whether he should take the capsules before meals or before or after meals.
Can side effects occur?
We cannot find any information on possible side effects on the manufacturer's website. However, every consumer should be aware that there can always be side effects and undesirable side effects if the user shows intolerance to one or more ingredients. However, this is difficult to assess when taking Vyprimax, because the manufacturer does not provide any information on the ingredients. Besides the fact that it contains maca, it leaves customers in the dark.
Where can I buy Vyprimax?
At first glance, it seems that you can only order the Vyprimax online directly from the manufacturer's website. The product is not listed in drug stores or online shops such as Amazon and eBay. The capsules are also not available in pharmacies. In fact, the customer can only order on the official website.
What do the capsules cost?
One can of Vyprimax contains 60 capsules. These are available at a price of 149 euros. But the manufacturer grants a discount of 60 percent so that the pack would only cost 59 euros. So at first you think you have made a huge bargain.
It is mentioned that this offer is only "today and for the first 100 orders". During our research, however, we find that this special price is always stated on the homepage. This sales pitch is simply intended to increase the buying pressure among consumers.
frequently asked Questions
Since we cannot go into everything in detail, we have answered some questions below. These were the most frequently asked questions about Vyprimax. If your question is not there, please feel free to write to us. We will try to answer them as soon as possible.
Our rating
We are skeptical about Vyprimax. The manufacturer does not give consumers sufficient information about ingredients and possible side effects. In addition, we cannot find out who is actually behind “Health Pharm TM”. It looks like this company doesn't even exist.
Due to a lack of authentic experience reports from neutral customers and a fake test report, we advise against buying the Vyprimax capsules.