
Vulgaris was a Seattle-based heavy metal band that was active from 1993 to 1996. The band has been inactive since 1996.



Vulgaris was formed by guitarist Fred Mannering and bassist Steve Dumosch in the Fall of 1993. These two previously played together in the short-lived Seattle-based band Sewer Blast. Mannering and Dumosch began working on songs for a planned album based on Mannering’s numerous guitar riffs and lyrics developed during 1992-1993. To complete the band, various vocalists and drummers were auditioned, and Eric Eng (drummer) joined the band in late 1993 and Kevin Elliott (vocalist) joined the band in early 1994. During 1993-1994 the band rehearsed 12 songs that would become their debut album, the self-titled Vulgaris. The band name Vulgaris (meaning common in Latin) was chosen in the late summer of 1994. In October 1994, the band recorded and mixed their debut album over a four-day period at Avast Studios, Seattle, with the assistance of audio engineer Kevin Suggs. They followed Soundgarden in Avast Studios who were working on material for their Down on the Upside album at the time. In December 1994, the Vulgaris debut album was released in CD format on the band’s Dead Zebra record label.


CD release and reception

An initial run of 1,000 CDs of the debut album were made and several hundred were sold in Seattle-area record stores including various Tower Records locations. The album had exposure on multiple radio stations including college stations at Green River Community College (KGRG-FM) and the University of Washington (KCMU). The album received a mixed review in the Seattle music magazine The Rocket where the album was reviewed jointly with Nevermore’s debut self-titled album.


Post-CD release and break-up

With musical differences emerging, vocalist Kevin Elliott left the band in the late spring of 1995. In the early summer of 1995 Vulgaris received interest from Metal Blade Records who requested more material. The remaining band members began working on new material and held multiple auditions for a replacement vocalist, searching extensively in the Seattle music scene at the time. The band briefly worked with a successful vocalist candidate, but substance abuse eventually led to that vocalist’s departure. The band rehearsed onward until the spring of 1996 when disagreements over vocalists resulted in the band members parting ways.


Band members:

Fred Mannering (Guitars) 1993-1996

Steve Dumosch (Bass) 1993-1996

Eric Eng (Drums) 1993-1996

Kevin Elliott (Vocals) 1994-1995

Complete first album: YouTube


Voices (4:47)  (Full video)

Dead Zebra (4:17) (Full video)

Johnny (5:30) (Full video)

Prelude to zero (1:15) (Full video, instrumental)

Speed Zero (4:02) (Music only)

Trauma (2:46) (Music only)

Misfortune (4:11) (Music only)

Dark Passage (1:57) (Music only, instrumental)

Proximity (3:50) (Music only)

The Rack (1:21)  (Music only, instrumental)

Elliott, Eng, Dumosch, Mannering

Mannering, Dumosch, Eng, Elliott

Dumosch, Mannering, Elliott, Eng

Elliott, Dumosch, Eng, Mannering

Mannering, Eng, Elliott, Dumosch

Mannering, Dumosch, Eng, Elliott

Mannering, Dumosch, Eng, Elliott

CD tray card (front)

CD tray card (back)

CD insert page 1

CD insert page 2

CD insert page 3

CD insert page 4

CD insert page 5

Mannering, Eng, Dumosch, Elliott