Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory
Thursdays, 4 pm UK time
The Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory provide a platform for scholars to present their unpublished work to a broad academic audience in the UK and abroad. They are organised by the team behind the Makris Symposium in Economic Theory (MSET), which has taken place annually since 2013.
Each seminar starts at 4:00 lasts 1:15 h, with a 60 min presentation and 15 min of Q&A with the audience. We endeavour to invite relevant experts as panellists and encourage co-authors to attend the talk.
The Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory are open to any interested economist worldwide.
To view the talk in Zoom, join our mailing list here. We will send out a weekly email with details about that week's seminar and joining instructions to all registered users. With the speakers' permission, we also broadcast our events on our YouTube Channel.
Upcoming seminars
The recordings of most of the talks and links to papers or slides are in past seminars. You can also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Our normal online program will resume in the spring of 2025
Our annual in-person event Makris Symposium in Economic Theory is scheduled for 3-4 April 2025 in Madrid. More information to follow at
Organizers: Spyros Galanis, Francesco Giovannoni, Angel Hernando-Veciana, Max Kwiek, Julia Wirtz
Contact: vsetcontact@gmail.compublic/basic.ics