Víctor Rouco

Contact: vroucogomez@gmail.com vrouco@ucm.es

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas (UCM)

Pz. Ciencias 1, 28040 Madrid (Spain)

I am an experimental physicist in the field of condensed matter and in particular in complex oxide materials, including superconductors, ferromagnets and ferroelectrics. My work is focused on how their properties can be tuned through the control of their nanostructure during growth processes, or in-operando, through the application of external stimuli such as electric fields or light. The systems that I currently investigate are mainly freestanding oxides, twisted oxide heterostructures, and oxide tunnel junctions

The formers constitute a huge promising advance in the field of 2D technologies. By using complex oxides, electronic correlations endow large variety of functional properties like magnetism or ferroelectricity; limited or even absent in conventional 2D materials such as graphene. Oxide tunnel junctions offer attractive opportunities in the field of informatics and telecommunications since its properties allow its implantation in memories, or in more revolutionary fields, in neuromorphic systems performing the synaptic activity of our brain.

Along my scientific career I have acquired experience in fabrication processes and the characterization of nanodevices with different techniques. This mainly involves:

I did by PhD at Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC). During this period I realized 2 short term stays at CNRS/THALES (Paris) and Los Alamos National Lab; 3 months each. I obtained results that have been published in 17 peer-reviewed journals, and 1 book chapter.

I realized my 1st 1year postdoc at Università di Napoli Federico II obtaining a total of 5 publications.

In my 2nd 3.5 years postdoc at CNRS/THALES (Paris) co-supervised the work of 3 PhD students and 1 master student. Up to now I have published a total of 5 publications, including one as a corresponding author.

From May 2019 I am working at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM): 3rd postdoc funded initially by a MarieCurie-IF and from September 2020 by a Juan de la Cierva – Incorporación. From May 2021 I became Assistant Professor of the same University where in parallel to my research activities, I do teaching activities, I direct final degree and master projects, and organize and present public seminars.