
Unfortunately, the conference is having issues with its CDN provider and online system. We are going to move to a different CDN today. We’re going to move the VR in VR workshop back to its original time, 9-12:15 on Sunday, so we can fix these issues.

Sunday, 22 March 2020, 9-12.15pm ET (GMT-4), online

All times in Eastern Time (ET) i.e. time in Atlanta. The ET timezone is currently GMT-4. Note that the USA is on daylight savings time, but the EU and much of the rest of the world has not switched to summer/winter time yet.

Hubs Links for Registered Attendees: Rooms

Slack Link for Registered Attendees: and enter the email address you used to register for VR to gain access.

Questions to Speakers: with event code #IEEEVR2020. Note that this is moderated.

Twitch Link:

Session 1: 9:00am - 10:30am

9:00am Introduction, welcome, goals

9:10am Keynote (40 mins)

Cristina Lopes, University of California, Irvine, Virtual Conferences

9:50am Agenda Setting

Parke Wilde Multi-Site Conference Hosting Initiative (MULCH): Enhancing the Human Aspect of Low-Carbon Long-Distance Conferencing (10 mins)

Duc Anh Le, Blair MacIntyre, Jessica Outlaw, Enhancing the Experience of Virtual Conferences in Social Virtual Environments (10 mins)

Liudmila Bredikhina, Takayuki Kameoka, Shogo Shimbo, Akihiko Shirai, Avatar Driven VR Society Trends in Japan (10 mins)

10:20am Discussion

Break: 10:30am-10:45am

Session 2: 10:45am - 12:15am

10:45 Technology and Requirements

Charles Peasley, Rachel Dianiska, Emily Oldham, Nicholas Wilson, Stephen Gilbert, Peggy Wu, Brett Israelsen, James Oliver, Evaluating Metrics for Standardized Benchmarking of Remote Presence Systems (5 min)

Moya Kate Baldry, The revolution may not be televised…but can it be experienced in Virtual Reality? (5 min)

Redouane Kachach, Virtual Tour: An Immersive Low Cost Telepresence System (5 mins)

Ben Loveridge, Can the use of virtual reality improve the experience of real-time networked music sessions in music conferences (5 min)

11:05 What we are doing at IEEE VR 2020 (15 mins)

Blair MacIntyre will give an overview of the system setup for IEEE VR 2020

11:20 Panel: Requirements for Virtual Conferencing (45 mins)

This panel will investigate the requirements for future conferences in virtual reality. We will discuss how the role of an academic conference and thus what we need from virtual conferencing software. This will include effective presentations in virtual reality, but also the social and ad-hoc meeting functions of a programme. We will thus discuss the state of the art in the parts of the technology that are already consumer technology, and where the panellists see urgent need for further work. We will then discuss how we might propose a programme of work to deliver enhanced virtual conferencing in the future.

This will be a highly interactive panel. Panelists will talk for 3-5 minutes before the moderator leads the group through a structured conversation.

Moderator: Rob Lindeman, HIT Lab NZ, Univ. of Canterbury

Confirmed panellists:

- Ben Lok, University of Florida, in capacity as Chair of the Steering Committee for IEEE Virtual Reality

- Liv Ericson, Product Manager for Hubs, Mozilla.

- Cristina Lopes, University of California, Irvine

- Anthony Steed, University College London

- María Murcia López, Facebook

12:05 Discussion and Wrap Up