Privacy Policy

One of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains the types of information that Fantasy VPN collects and records and how we use it.

By using our website, you hereby agree to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

1. You can use our products and/or services without registration;

2. We do not ask for any personally identifiable information, such as your email address, unless you want to contact our support team;

3. Your activities will not be recorded;

4. We do not log your IP address. Third-party sites that you may access using the App may be accessible even with the VPN feature enabled;

5. Our VPN servers do not store any logs

6. Some of our selected partners may log your actual IP details. Said selected partners are subject to the same privacy and confidentiality terms as ours;

7. We will not record the URL or any other information of the website you may be visiting;

8. We do not have access to your cookies or saved passwords.

9. We do not have access to the files you download.

Limitation of Liability.

To ensure the security of personal data, Fantasy VPN employs various technical, physical and organizational security measures; however, it is your responsibility to exercise caution and reason when using the service and website. You will be personally responsible if your use of the Services and the Site violates the privacy or any other rights of any third party or any applicable law. Under no circumstances will Fantasy VPN be liable for the consequences of your illegal, intentional and negligent actions, or any circumstances that may not have been reasonably controlled or foreseen (please read the terms of service for more information).

The Privacy Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws set forth in the Fantasy VPN Terms of Service.

Children's information.

The administration, configuration and administration of the Services are not intended for, nor used by, minors. In this context, a minor is an individual under the age of 18 or as defined by applicable law. We do not knowingly collect personal data from minors when creating or administering our services or allowing them to use our services, except in certain circumstances where minors over the age of 13 may use some of our services, However, the consent of their parents or legal guardians must be obtained. 

Links to other websites.

Our website may contain links to other websites, such as social media sites, whose privacy practices may differ from ours. If you access any of these websites through such links and/or submit your personal data to any of these websites, your personal data will be processed in accordance with their established procedures and is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy (or other corresponding privacy statement) of any website you visit.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may revise this Policy from time to time. Check back occasionally so you can stay up to date on our latest practices. We'll put a "last updated" date at the top of each policy. If you do not agree to such updates to this policy, you may cancel your service account. If you do not cancel your account prior to the updated effective date, your continued use of our Services will be governed by the updated Privacy Policy.

If you have further questions or need more information about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.