Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) sets forth how we collect, use, protect, store, disclose, and otherwise process your Personal Information (defined below).

This Policy does NOT apply to information you provide to any third party or is collected by any third party (except as otherwise provided below).

By using our Services, you are confirming that you understand English well enough to understand this Policy.


The categories of personal data we collect depend on the Services you use, and the requirements of applicable law.

Data you provide us directly.

  • Contact information (such as name and email address or phone numbers)

  • Player name or tag and password

  • Profile information (such as profile photo)

  • Your messages and other content you submit when you use the Service (such as chat logs and player support tickets)

Data we collect automatically.

  • Data about your account and game progress, including in most cases an automatically created internal account ID

  • Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device or advertising ID)

  • Data about your device, such as device name and operating system, browser type and language, internet service provider, and mobile carrier

  • Data we collect with cookies and similar technologies (see more below)

  • Approximate location data (as derived from IP address)

  • Data about your use of the Service, such as gameplay data, purchases made and your interactions with other players inside the Service

Data we collect from our partners.

We also use third-party partners, such as social networking sites, data analytics providers and advertising networks to supplement information we have about you, such as:

  • Data we receive if you link a third-party tool with the Service (such as Twitter, Facebook)

  • Demographic data (such as to determine the coarse location of your IP address)

  • Data to fight fraud (such as refund abuse in games or click fraud in advertising)

  • Data from platforms that the games run on or data from payment service providers (such as payment verification data)

  • Data for advertising and analytics purposes (such as surveys), so we can provide you a better Service

  • Data that you have made available to us from a third party service (such as Twitter, Facebook) via your privacy settings


We use your data for a variety of business purposes, such as:

To make the Service work.

To perform the contract, we process data necessary to

  • Create accounts and allow you to play our games and use our Service

  • Operate the Service

  • Verify and confirm payments

  • Provide and deliver products and services you request

  • Send you Service-related communications

To make the Service more suitable for our players.

To provide a great Service to our players, we have a legitimate interest to collect and process necessary data to

  • Update and develop player profiles

  • Develop and improve the Service and player experience

  • Manage our relationship with you

  • Provide social features as part of the Service

  • Customize your Service experience

  • Respond to your comments and questions and provide player support

  • Send you related information, such as updates, security alerts, and support messages

  • Enable you to communicate with other players

To show personalized advertisements.

To show you personalized advertisements in the Service and elsewhere (including email) we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to

  • Track the content you access in connection with the Service and your online behavior

  • Deliver, target and improve our advertising and the Service

To keep the Service safe and fair.

Ensuring a level playing field in the Service is a top priority for us.

In order to keep the Service and its social features safe and fair, to fight fraud and ensure acceptable use otherwise, we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to

  • Analyze and monitor use of the Service and its social features

  • Moderate chats either automatically or manually

  • Take action against fraudulent or misbehaving players

To analyze, profile, and segment.

In all of the above cases and purposes, we may analyze, profile and segment all collected data.

With your consent.

With your consent, we may process your data for additional purposes.

We may also collect and use your device identifiers to display and personalize in-game ads as explained below. Where applicable, we may collect your advertising identifier, IP address and device ID for these purposes. Under applicable privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are required to ask your consent to do so.

This data is shared with your consent so that our ad partners can deliver the right ad and optimize the ad content to make sure you don’t see the same ad multiple times. We share your device identifiers with selected partners for such ad delivery and personalization.

The partners operate the ad network and mediation platform, as well as facilitate and participate in ad inventory bidding. The partners may also use the device identifiers for fraud detection purposes based on their legitimate interest.


Apart from us, your data can be accessed by others in the following situations:

Other players and users.

Social features are a core component of our games. Other players and users may, for example, see your profile data, in-game activities and read the messages you have posted.

Our service providers.

We has vendors who help us to provide the Service. These vendors process your data only at and according to our instructions to provide the Service, and perform tasks such as hosting, player support, advertising, analytics and fraud prevention.

Other companies and public authorities.

In order to verify payments (with payment providers such as Paypal) and combat fraud and illegal activity, we may process and disclose data with other companies and organizations and provide it to public authorities in response to lawful requests.

We may also disclose your data based on your consent, to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our players or others.

Advertising and Social Media partners.

The Service includes features from our partners, such as social media interaction tools, functionalities through application programming interfaces (APIs) or software development kits (SDKs) and in-game advertising. These partners may access your data and operate under their own privacy policies.


Push Notifications

We may send you push notifications through our mobile applications. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by changing the settings on your mobile device.

Opt-out of targeted advertising.

You can opt-out of interest-based advertising on mobile applications by checking the privacy settings of your Android or iOS device and turning off “Allow Apps to Request to Track” or selecting "Limit Ad Tracking" (Apple iOS) or "Opt-out of Interest Based Ads" (Android).

You can also opt out from personalized in-game offers through the options provided in the game settings (where applicable).

Access the personal data we hold about you.

If you request, we will provide you a copy of your personal data in an electronic format.

Your other rights.

You also have the right to correct your data, have your data deleted, object how we use or share your data, and restrict how we use or share your data. You can always withdraw your consent.

We will respond to all requests within a reasonable timeframe. If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, you may also contact your local data protection authority.

You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment as a result of your exercise of these rights.


Security Safeguards.

In order to help ensure a secure and safe player experience, we are continuously developing and implementing administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access or against loss, misuse or alteration.

Data retention.

We retain your data for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you the Service. We may for example periodically de-identify unused game accounts, and we may regularly review and de-identify unnecessary data.

Note that if you ask us to remove your personal data, we will retain your data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.