Vista students encouraged to refrain from saying, 'Stressed,' because it maKes light of Adults who really Suffer from Stress.

Vista Students were in for an uplifting surprise as Vista's School Unity project released a new wave of inspiring posters. This new wave consisted of multiple copies of a single poster publicizing how truly amazing Barnaby Bomtic is for refraining from saying things that could potentially be offensive. (Voz's View should take a leaf out of his book.) Supported by administration Bomtic finds it incredibly important to not make light of the word "stressed." "It could be incredibly rude if an adult, who actually suffers from stress living in the real world each day were to hear you say that," he says. Adding on, he adds, "There are a lot of students who are just in the dark what they are doing. Like take B. M. for example, she's only taking 4 AP classes, and I heard her say stressed at least 14 times in one day alone."