student has created a mathematical method of predicting spirit days.

Throck Morton, a current Vista del Lago High School senior enrolled in AP Stats, has discovered a method of predicting the theme of the next spirit day before it happens. Before September 24th, 2015; Red, White, and Blue day; he knew it. Before September 19th, 2017, Blackout, he knew it. Even when he predicted November 9th, 2017 was wear jeans day, and we all thought he was wrong, believe it or not, it was a wear jeans and donate to veteran's spirit day. Now here are his completely mathematically provable predictions for the next Spirit days, and if it doesn't actually happen, we'll just change it to fit after the fact like we're in George Orwell's 1984 or something.

Says Morton, "It's actually a very simple process, I simply use the nPr formula from Integrated Math 3 to find all the permutations of different spirit days we have, which is about 5. Then, I factor in the element that we naturally never have two repeated spirit days. Finally, I create a normal distribution graph for the common dates we either have football or [boys'] basketball games, since those seem to be the only things we ever celebrate at this school. The using the secret algorithm derived from Rubik's Formula. I narrow it down usually to one spirit day."

Here are the current Predictions:

  • December 5th = USA Theme
  • December 8th = Blackout
  • December 18th = Bleed Blue
  • December 20th = Red and Green
  • January 9th = Whiteout
  • January 12th = USA Theme
  • January 26th = Red or Chicken Costume
  • February 1st = Blackout
  • February 6th = Bleed Blue
  • February 8th = Whiteout