Star Wars 8 Milks CONTROVERSY.


Meaningless Spoilers Ahead! Actually, you're probably fine even if you haven't seen the movie yet.

Did you let your child watch Star Wars: Te Last Jedi, which is rated PG-13, even though your child was only 12 years old? Are you now instantly regretting that decision die to that one Milking Scene? Is your child now asking hard questions about the milking of mammals?

Shauna Willis, mother of 5, says she is sending her child to therapy. "They are sneaking so many bad things into movies these days, it gets progressively worse. Like, in the old days you could watch Goonies, or Back to the Future which had like no swearing or crass jokes of any kind. Now, my kids can't even watch Star Wars without getting scarred from animal pornography."

Says Brent Davis, "I used to look up to Luke as a kid, he would chug a glass of blue milk before going on an adventure to take on the empire, but now I've become disillusioned, having realized where that blue milk really comes from."

What are your thoughts on this controversial scene? Add a comment below! Should it be taken out in an infamous Special Edition?