See a rectangular prism deconstructed so that your students can look at what's happening inside of 3d shapes. Let the song take your students on a tour, exploring the concept of cubic units how we arrive at finding the volume of prisms and cubes. Also, pay attention to the part of the song where the robot dabs, making sure to note that this song was written long before it was cool! And, yes, he did get a raise after that.

Same issue Xiaomi 10t lite miui 13.0.12. tried clearing cache, reinstalled, volume normalize settings... Affecting phone speaker and Bluetooth randomly when song changes. Tapping the volume up or down slightly corrects the volume.

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Noob, bedroom mixer here. I'm mixing a song with a significant change in volume on the last section. The song goes from soft electronic with live drums and bass, to full on rock drums and distorted guitar at the end. The first half of the mix sits around -10db to - 12db, then jumps to about -5db to - 7db when the drums goes crazy and the guitars come in.

Would you automate levels at the ending of the song to match the levels at the beginning song? Or automate levels in the beginning to match levels at the ending of the song? Would you automate individual instruments, or the master fader?

I tested a limiter on the mix and automated the threshold, but that produced unwanted results during the quiet section. The limiter is bringing up the quiet section of the song so much that the electronic sub bass in the beginning is overpowering even though it's sitting at about - 20db in the mix and is almost nonexistent without the limiter. I feel like no matter how much I eq, compress, or turn down the sub bass, the limiter is bringing the volume all the way back up because the sub is so quiet in the mix.

I have a nice pair of headphones that work great with my iphone 11 but they seem to be a little underpowered. I thought that if I used the adjustment slider in 'song info' when I right click a individual song and move the slider to +100% the song would play a little louder on my phone. So I tried with just one song and did all those steps and then synced my phone but the song that I adjusted the volume did not play any louder. I have the newest updated version of itunes installed on my computer. I have already set the phone's EQ to 'late night' and switched on sound check and turned off volume limit.

I found this page and it might be helpful. I tried this as well because I want to transfer volume adjustment to the iPhone as well. Not 100% sure but I think it does work. You'll need to experiment with it.

I listen to it within logic and the volume levels are fine but when I export it to iTunes, or as a standalone file the volume becomes way too low compared to other songs in my iTunes library (not made by me) I haven't had this problem before in Logic, I have messed with logic's settings as well as iTunes but nothing seems to work.

It's not just a matter of turning off the 'normalise' setting. Make sure your songs are correctly mastered and mixed well. There's a reason commercial songs are so loud - they're mixed and mastered by professionals with years of experience in their respective fields. Both Logic and GarageBand record at higher bit depths than what they export at. This could be a cause of the drop in volume that is apparent when exporting audio from both GB and Logic. You can change the quality of recorded and exported audio in GarageBand preferences (and I think you can do it in Logic as well). You want to be recording at the same quality your song will export at.

If you do turn off the normalise setting, you will have to really pay attention while listening to your final mix. Make sure you hear no clipping and that the red LEDs at beside the meters don't light up. If they do, your song will sound horrible and distorted when it is exported. The correct way to produce music is that you must export the mixdown without normalisation. And make sure you're leaving plenty of headroom for the master. If you see orange (or sometimes even yellow) on the master's meter, then your level for the final mixdown is too high. Create a fresh project then import the uncompressed mixdown into the fresh project. This is your master. Apply effects until your master sounds good, increasing the volume, EQs compression and what not. Make sure you are recording at the same bit depth that the DAW exports at. For example, don't record at 24 bit then export at 16. You'll lose dynamics and I think it makes the overall project quieter when exported.

I did say "could be the cause of the issue". I have had the same problem in the past using GarageBand but have mostly resolved my low volume issue by recording and exporting at the same bit depth - which is why I bothered to say it. I've heard of people having the same issue and solved them by synchronising the record and export bit depths as this problem messed with the dynamics of their exports. I have noticed individual tracks can go into the red without affecting the output and final export audio too much. I prefer not to allow any of my tracks to go into the red - especially the master bus. As long as the master bus isn't turned up past 0 dB, using a peak limiter will raise the overall volume without having to worry about the audio clipping.

I also found this to be an issue, especially when I later checked the song synced to my iPhone wasn't updated or changed. Clicking manually manage music and video in the summery page made it work. I was able to adjust the volume for every song on my iPhone with no issues.

I have this problem too.. but it just started and I'm sure it's because of that **** update.. Everytime...EVERY SINGLE TIME I have an update, yahoo, Google, Samsung...whatever it is, they always make things harder and it seems, they take away the best part or the reason you bought the ?????. Only weeks ago I adjusted the volume in Itunes and then plugged in the Ipod and it syncs and everything was fine.....but just like you stated, I increase the volume of a song using "song info" and click "OK" but just like you said, go back in and the volume is back where it was. I've changed the name of the song or added a "1" to the end of it and that will take but not the volume increase or decrease.. I say decrease because I thought maybe (playing big brother) they won't let me increase it as to danger of hearing loss. What? haha

Hi. Yes I believe it changed with the last update. No, I looked in preferences and soundcheck has not been enabled. When I go to adjust the volume of a song and move the volume slider left or right, click ok and exit, I find that when I re-enter the file later on, the volume is back to the original level it was prior to my adjustment??

I have thousands of songs, and I always had the volume manually made louder when I started loading songs years ago. I've been going from album to album and re-adjusting each album to have similar volume (since some older albums are not re-mastered and need to be made louder). However, two itunes updates ago the manual song/album volume adjust doesn't work. I can adjust the volume while I listen, and I will hear it adjust, but it won't save! I go and listen to it again, and it back the the original set volume from before. This has completely stopped me from getting all the album volumes to sound similar to each other.

I enable soundcheck in preferences and that somewhat works, but I want to level everything myself since certain albums still have a massive difference in volume level that can only be fixed if I manually adjust them.

Strange thing is, I've loaded new albums/Cds and the volume adjust will save, its just the older albums that were there before the update (and no, I'm not re-reloading thousands of CDs again so the volume adjust works).

No sure if you guys have figured out the solve for this one yet, but I did. I called apple support to help me with this same issue and they were unable to help me directly until I suggested creating a different file format for the song in the itunes window and that worked! What you need to do is go to preferences and under the general tab, you can change the import settings. Mine was set to AAC and my file that needed volume adjustment was an mp3, so one you change the settings, click control and click the song title and change the file to another format, then when you do the volume adjustment to that file, it will stay at that new adjustment. 2351a5e196

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