Privacy Policy for Volume Booster App

This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you use the Volume Booster mobile application (referred to as the "App") and interact with Google AdMob and Meta Ads.


When you use the Volume Booster App, certain information about your device is automatically collected, including your unique device identifier, operating system, and IP address. This information is solely used to improve the functionality and performance of the App and to attribute any actions or errors to specific hardware or software configurations.

The App uses Google AdMob and Meta Ads to display advertisements. These third-party advertising networks may collect certain information about your device, including but not limited to the device model, operating system version, unique device identifier, and IP address. These information are collected in order to serve more relevant and personalized advertisements, monitor and analyze the effectiveness of the ads, and prevent fraud.

Please note that the App does not collect any personally identifiable information from you. The collected data is used exclusively for statistical purposes and to improve the user experience, including delivering more relevant ads.


The App may share the collected information with Google AdMob and Meta Ads for the purpose of displaying targeted advertisements. These third-party advertising networks may combine the collected information with other data sources to provide better ad targeting and performance measurement.

The information collected by Google AdMob and Meta Ads may be transferred to and stored on servers located outside of your country or region. These servers may be located in countries that have different data protection laws than your jurisdiction.

For more information on how Google AdMob and Meta Ads collect, use, and share your information, please refer to their respective Privacy Policies.


You can opt out of personalized advertising by adjusting your device settings. For iOS devices, go to Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking. For Android devices, go to Settings > Google > Ads > Opt out of Ads Personalization. Please note that opting out does not mean you will no longer receive advertisements; instead, you may receive generic, non-personalized ads.


We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes made to this Policy will be effective when posted on this page. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the handling of your information, please contact us at