To save the contents of a VoltDB database, use the voltadmin save command. The following example creates a snapshot at the path /tmp/voltdb/backup using the unique identifier TestSnapshot.

Note that it is also possible to issue the voltadmin save command without arguments. In that case the snapshot is saved to the default snapshots folder in the database root directory. This can be useful because the voltdb start command can automatically restore the latest snapshot in that directory as described in the next section.

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The easiest way to restore a snapshot is to let VoltDB do it for you as part of the recover operation. If you are not changing the cluster configuration you can use an automated snapshot or other snapshot saved into the voltdbroot/snapshots directory by simply restarting the cluster nodes using the voltdb start command. With the start action VoltDB automatically starts and restores the most recent snapshot. If command logging is enabled, it also replays any logs after the snapshot. This approach has the added benefit that VoltDB automatically loads the previous schema as well as part of the snapshot.

However, you cannot use voltdb start to restore a snapshot if the physical configuration of the cluster has changed or if you want to restore an earlier snapshot or a snapshot stored in an alternate location. In these cases you must do a manual restore.

Updating the VoltDB software is very simple. However, you must make sure you perform this step at the right stage in the upgrade process, as described in the following sections. The product comes as a .tar.gz file. When the time comes to upgrade the software, you unpack the tar file and move the resulting folder to replace your current installation. For example, if you have the VoltDB software installed as /var/voltdb, the software installation looks like the following, where you delete the previous version and replace it with the new one:

Start a new database instance on A, making sure to use the old deployment file so the XDCR connections are configured properly (voltdb init --force and voltdb start).

Note that since you are upgrading the software, you must create a new instance after the upgrade (step #3). When upgrading the software, you cannot recover the database using just the voltdb start command; you must use voltdb init --force first to create a new instance and then reload the existing data from the running cluster B. ff782bc1db

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