The Voltage SecureMail product provides email encryption capabilities for enterprises. For all editions of Voltage SecureMail, this includes automatic policy-based encryption for outbound emails; for some editions, this also includes user-selected email encryption, automatic encryption of email between internal users, and file encryption.

The three editions described above are all deployed within the enterprise's own facilities. Voltage also offers cloud-based email encryption through its Voltage SecureMail Cloud product, which is available in an Enterprise Edition for enterprise usage. Note that the SecureMail Cloud Enterprise Edition is not equivalent to the SecureMail Enterprise Edition in terms of functionality.

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For sender-selected or sender-implemented email encryption, Voltage SecureMail only supports Microsoft Outlook. Organizations that wish to allow senders to control at least a portion of the encryption process must either already be using Microsoft Outlook or must migrate affected email users from their current email clients to Outlook.

Voltage SecureMail uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining mode. The website for Voltage SecureMail does not state publicly what the product's AES key length is, but it must be at least 128 bits because that is the smallest possible key length for AES. The preferred key length for AES is currently 256 bits. Prospective customers are encouraged to ask Voltage how long SecureMail's AES keys are and to make this information publicly available.

Similarly, Voltage does not state on its website whether its products are Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliant, meaning they have been validated against a suite of third-party tests to confirm that encryption meets basic requirements. Although the FIPS website says Voltage as a company has received FIPS compliance certification, it is not clear whether this certification covers the Voltage SecureMail product. Prospective customers should ask about this when evaluating products.

As described above, through the use of the SecureFile add-on, file encryption can remain with a file even after the file is removed from the original email. This add-on also supports large file transfers. These features can take the place of alternative secure file transfer mechanisms in some cases, streamlining operations and improving their security.

Voltage SecureMail provides a variety of email encryption solutions for enterprises. Although this article covers the Enterprise Edition, the other editions may be a better fit for many organizations, particularly those with lesser requirements for email encryption. Voltage SecureMail is compatible with any email server, but if client-side support is needed, only Microsoft Outlook is supported. This is not an atypical situation, as the majority of email encryption products support Microsoft Outlook only. Voltage SecureMail also offers a SecureFile add-on that offers extra file encryption options that may take the place of secure file transfer mechanisms in some environments.

Encryption performed by Voltage SecureMail meets minimum strength requirements (i.e., the AES algorithm), but the product website does not state the AES key length nor does it declare FIPS compliance. Likewise, licensing is not covered by the website. Make sure to get information on these from the vendor before making a purchasing decision. Although Voltage SecureMail looks like a robust, flexible and strong solution for enterprise email encryption, without this missing information it's not feasible to make an informed decision about its acquisition.

Rep and team at Encryption Consulting proved to us their high-level of subject matter expertise in encryption, tokenization, masking, key management and PKI, across both structured and unstructured data stores.

Modern, strong encryption is never cracked, but often bypassed. It does not matter how much encryption is done: if keys are not well protected, it takes little for a hacker to obtain the crown jewels, with significant business and reputational impact. Key management is just as important as implementing strong cryptography, and is all too often the Achilles heel of enterprise data security and privacy programs.

Regardless of the key management solution, a significant challenge is to ensure that keys are not mishandled by users. It is critical to disconnect users and developers from key management. Application teams should not be involved in storing, protecting, or rotating encryption keys, and nor should they be allowed to actually possess keys. Instead, they should be provided with key identifiers and an interface to an abstraction layer that automates key generation, retrieval, caching, protection, and refresh.

Enterprise requirements on Test Data Management follow similar principles of privacy compliance. Compliance requires data masking or encryption of sensitive production data or personal information while being used in testing environments to preserve privacy and protect production data.

Voltage SecureData is a suite of encryption technologies that let you integrate end-to-end data encryption into other applications. It uses Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE): the encrypted values have the same overall format as the unencrypted data. This feature means you do not have to change the data types of table columns that you want to encrypt. It also preserves reference integrity: the encrypted values have the same sort order as unencrypted data, and encrypted values can be cross-referenced between tables, as long as each instance of the value is encrypted with the same key.

Voltage SecureData z/Protect provides native encryption and tokenization services across z/OS environments, including CICS, IMS, DB2, MQ, and Batch. It provides comprehensive cross-application and cross-platform compatibility, speeding application implementation and security retrofitting, and minimizing training requirements. Voltage SecureData z/Protect encrypts the sensitive data so that in the event of a breach, the hacker only has useless protected data.

Voltage SecureData z/Protect also provides role-based data access, which is impossible with traditional all-or-nothing full database encryption. With Voltage SecureData z/Protect, key access is controlled using native z/OS security methodologies (RACF, ACF2, Top Secret). This avoids the need for applications to store credentials, further reducing the exposure of sensitive information for hackers to steal. Because the business environment now has a reduced number of applications accessing sensitive data in its live form, audit and compliance scope are reduced where there is no ability to decrypt the data. Additionally, in the event of a breach, the hacker only possesses useless encrypted data, thus greatly reducing the risk of data theft.

Enterprise encryption has always entailed significant application and database redesign, due to data format changes. With Voltage SecureData z/Protect, encrypted fields are the same length and format as their original data. Database schemas and file layouts are un - changed. Indexes and JOINs still work, since a given value encrypts to the same ciphertext in all databases. This all means tha t only a small fraction of the applications that use the data need to be updated. Most applications can operate on the encrypted values: only the few trusted applications that actually need the live data need changes.

Another significant cost of implementing encryption has been training application programmers. The traditional approach to encrypting data has required knowledge of key management and cipher choices; this complexity makes it easy for application groups to introduce subtle errors, leading to integrity and consistency problems, or even data loss. With Voltage SecureData z/Protect, all encryption control is centralized in the z/Protect configuration. Training applications programmers is simple, and opportunities for error are greatly reduced.

The centralized design of Voltage SecureData z/Protect not only means better control, but also enables faster auditing. Every encryption operation can be accounted for, on a per-user or per-application basis. As encryption usage grows throughout the enterprise, this allows verification of whether applications are using encryption as mandated, and also allows charge- back to business units for resources used. Standard z/OS SMF data can be generated, fitting into enterprise performance tuning and capacity planning processes.

A significant z/OS security shortcoming is the lack of encryption developer abstraction for Customer Information Control System (CICS), used by 80% of z/OS customers. Voltage Se- cureData z/Protect provides fully compatible encryption services across all z/OS environments. This allows the Voltage SecureData platform to provide comprehensive cross-application and cross-platform compatibility, speeding application implementation and security retrofitting, and minimizing training requirements.

Email and file encryption is a proven approach to protecting sensitive information. In many cases encryption is necessary to ensure you are protecting client or patient information, in other cases because you need to protect intellectual property or other information that is confidential. Aside from the security and confidentiality concerns of using email in day-to-day business, email and file encryption is being adopted by growing numbers of users because of compliance issues. Specifically, legislation such as Sarbanes-Oxley and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have imposed stringent rules on the ways in which personal financial data and health information can be transmitted and shared. Firms failing to comply with these laws face severe sanctions and fines. In addition, the European Union and other international bodies have enacted privacy legislation that is affecting firms doing business overseas. For these reasons a secure email and file capability is now an essential tool for doing business at most publicly traded companies, firms providing health care or financial services, insurance companies, and the professional firms servicing these industries.


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