Privacy Policy

I. Overview

This privacy agreement aims to clarify how Inspirational Notes & Instant Recording (hereinafter referred to as "this application") collects, uses, stores, shares and protects users' personal information. Before using this application, please be sure to read this privacy agreement carefully, understand and agree to the content of the agreement.

2. Information collection

When users use this application:

We do not collect any personal information from users

We may collect device information, application usage records, etc. to optimize product experience for users.

We may collect user information through third-party services, such as user device models, operating system versions and other information through advertising services, in order to optimize advertising delivery and user experience.

3. Use of information

We will mainly use the user information collected to provide and improve the services of this application.

We will not use user information for any purpose unrelated to providing this application service.

4. Information storage and sharing

We will use reasonable security technical means to protect the storage security of user information and prevent information from being leaked, lost or illegally obtained.

We will not share user information with any third party unless explicitly authorized by the user or permitted by laws and regulations. When it comes to cooperation with third parties or business needs, we will sign a confidentiality agreement with the third party to ensure the security of user information.

5. Privacy Policy Update

We may update this Privacy Agreement based on changes in laws and regulations or business needs. After the update, we will notify users through this application or related channels. When users use the updated application, they are deemed to agree to the updated privacy agreement.

6. Contact information

If users have any questions or suggestions about this Privacy Agreement, they can contact us through the following methods:

Mail:[ ]

Thank you for your trust and support in Inspirational Notes & Instant Recording. We will do our best to protect your privacy. If you have any questions or suggestions while using this application, please feel free to contact us.