Quickly and easily record voice notes that you can download or share via a link with your colleagues and customers. In the age of remote working it has never been more important (or easier!) to record voice memos and internal team communications that you can share with multiple people with a single click. Colleagues and customers can even leave comments on your voice recording, making collaboration and feedback an even more fluid process

Easy! Yes! Just select one of the options with the screen and webcam - you will appear on video in the corner of the screen, while your desktop image is recorded, and audio is captured by the microphone. Pretty handy, right?

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Veed is a great piece of browser software with the best team I've ever seen.Veed allows for subtitling, editing, effect/text encoding, and many more advanced features that other editors just can't compete with. The free version is wonderful, but the Pro version is beyond perfect. Keep in mind that this a browser editor we're talking about and the level of quality that Veed allows is stunning and a complete game changer at worst.

I love using VEED as the speech to subtitles transcription is the most accurate I've seen on the market.It has enabled me to edit my videos in just a few minutes and bring my video content to the next level

The Best & Most Easy to Use Simple Video Editing Software!I had tried tons of other online editors on the market and been disappointed. With VEED I haven't experienced any issues with the videos I create on there.It has everything I need in one place such as the progress bar for my 1-minute clips, auto transcriptions for all my video content, and custom fonts for consistency in my visual branding.

You can do a whole lot more than just create audio recordings online using VEED. You can create screen recordings, webcam recordings, Instagram videos, videos for YouTube and more! VEED is a full-suite online video editing platform that allows you to edit your video and audio files however you want! Try it out for free, now!

I have had the 23 since it was first available and it never had the voice recorder. It's mentioned often online as being a standard app. the app is also not in the galaxy store. Can anyone help me find how to add it?

NTSB investigators were unable to hear cockpit voice recorder audio from the Jan. 5 Alaska Airlines accident because the data was overwritten. Since 2018, at least 14 NTSB investigations have been hampered because cockpit voice recorder, or CVR, data were overwritten, including seven serious runway incursions that occurred in early 2023.

FAA allows pilots to erase anything on the CVR recorded 30 min (in some cases 15 min) prior. This is probably something that was negotiated between the NTSB and the pilots union to protect the pilots' privacy. Since it's written into the statute that way I assume modern digital CVR'S must have a function to erase everything but the last 30 min. (@OSUZorba there's that word again)

14 CFR 121.359 (f) In complying with this section, an approved cockpit voice recorder having an erasure feature may be used, so that at any time during the operation of the recorder, information recorded more than 30 minutes earlier may be erased or otherwise obliterated.

This was most likely in response to the 1979 incident that occurred on TWA flight 841 where the pilot was accused of improperly extending flaps during cruise but had erased the CVR when they landed, so they had no proof. At the time CVR's were still fairly new and pilots balked at having their conversations recorded for privacy reasons, so it was common practice to erase it after each flight. There is still some concern over privacy issues since in some situations the recording can open the pilot up to legal liability.

There are really only a handful of cases where a longer recording would have been useful, most of which involved pilot incapacitation. In 2014 EASA proposed extending the requirement. The European Cockpit Association, which represents pilots released a position paper .pdf stating that they would only support the extension if there were also systems in place to ensure that only the pertinent portions could be used and any other conversation could not be leaked to the public or used in jurisdictions where there are no legal requirements to maintain pilots' privacy.

Pilots submit to such recording under the strict condition that the CVR data is to be used exclusively by accident investigation authorities in the context of their safety investigations. Pilots are one of the few professions that agree to being recorded at their workplace and the consequent infringement of their privacy

This inappropriate use and distribution of sensitive CVR data beyond accident investigation agencies negatively affects Just Culture and the safety improvement efforts in Europe. Extending CVR duration would increase the quantity of data available for misuse significantly.

This is at least partially the result of the fact that CVR's (and FDR's alike) do not necessarily include the latest and greatest tech out there. As mentioned in the comments, while they are flying today they were not designed today, last week or even last year. The FAA has some very strict regulations on CVR/FDR from a storage stand point (you can check out this related question for more info). It's hard enough to get things approved for use as is, there may be current efforts out there to integrate better storage (and we have seen it slowly) but chances are you will see today's tech in airplanes in 5-10 years, not next week. Of course historically this may have been a data medium limitation and over the years the 2 hours has been found to be sufficient and has become a standard.

Generally speaking, no. While there are of course cases that can refute this, the overwhelming amount of aviation accidents happen in a relatively short period of time. If we look back at the history of aviation accidents (for which there is a great deal of data) the chain of events generally occurs over minutes not hours thus recording 2 hours of data prior to an impact is more than enough. If you watch any analysis of an investigation (there are a variety of shows out there on it these days) you will see that more often than not they are analyzing the last minutes of flight data and possibly the conversation that lead up to and occurred during that time.

We have seen a great deal of tech progression in CVR/FDR's over the years. The earliest ones were tape and some even had a primitive system that physically punched data onto a metallic strip. This slowly moved to magnetic tape and now some digital tech has been integrated. It's not that it won't happen it just won't happen overnight.

I want to use the voice recording to fill out a text box but with the Google one, when you stop for a moment it stops writing because it stops, it would be possible to use another one to avoid having that problem

This tutorial shows how to use the SpeechRecognizer (possibly the component you are calling 'voice recorder') for continuous dictation. HOW TO: Program the native SpeechRecognizer for Continuous Dictation and to do things

Perfect, it works..... But would it be possible to do the same with a text box? Because when I stop it, it deletes the written text and puts the new one that it has recognized

That is, it does not join the recognized texts, it writes the last one

Thanks in advance

A user complained that when trying to move a file from the voice recorder to another location, the file disappeared. Thinking it was user error, I logged on to her system and clicked a file in voice recorder, and the file disappeared. I checked the file location (user\documents\sound recordings) and the files that had just been in the recording list and disappeared, were not there. Nothing in recycle bin. There was an unsaved file which we restored but it was not the missing files. 

I assumed that the user had moved/deleted the files from the file location earlier or something, so I tested on my system. I could delete a file from the file location and still play the recording on voice recorder. Clicking the file in voice recorder did NOT make the file disappear. 

The user was using FILR to access her files remotely. I did a sync there as well as looked at the original destination she was trying to get the files to (and she reported she SAW them there), but they were not there. 

I plan on doing a system restore as a last resort. 

Anyone seen behavior like this before? Any suggestions?

Found the problem. The files were accessible only by FILR. I could see them when I navigated via FILR to c:\users\%user%\Documents\Sound Recordings. But if I just used Windows Explorer to go to the same directory, the files were not shown. Some kind of syncing problem with FILR I believe. 

Thanks for the responses.

I want to add a feature to my existing service that listens to conversations with voice-to-text, and then summarizes that entire conversation in different ways. It should be able to do this for up to an hour and to summarize an hours full conversation.

Hi @LoRo, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a "Voice Recorder" on Fitbit Sense for Android devices. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

You can also vote for this other suggestion: Adding A Voice Recorder To Versa 2.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

And I encourage the Fitbit team to make it super easy: Immediately start recording when opening the app. So you can set the app as quick launch on days where you have a lot of meetings. Let user sort out and delete bad recordings from the smartphone app or dashboard, but keep the watch app quick and simple. 152ee80cbc

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