Orkut: Vodafone has not promoted Zoozoo on Orkut, even though the website is highly popular site in India. The reason might be that they want to invest their resources on a larger platform. Unofficially, zoozoo fans have created online groups and club with one of the group having 62,219 members.

As a result of effective marketing by Vodafone, Zoozoos have emerged as a brand in itself. Zoozoos not only to conveyed different value added services offered by Vodafone but they helped to establish their brand presence. In addition, the cost of making Zoozoo ads was far less than getting a celebrity to endorse their services. This fresh and innovative concept was hugely appreciated, and unlike celebrities whose charm fades after sometime, Zoozoos have emerged as other immortal comic heroes, like Tom & Jerry, Micky Mouse, etc. It has proved that not all brands need celebrities. And once the ads were released, zoozoos managed to spread virally through social media platforms. Now, it will be interesting to see how Vodafone will be able to maintain and harness the Zoozoo charm in future.

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