Rather than requiring you to copy your settings or create a new signal chain from scratch, Howard Benson Vocal Multiplier sends your duplicated signal through some of the most frequently used post processing in vocal mixing. Each stage of processing has been optimized to work best in this configuration, creating an easy-to-use, consistent mixing workflow

The Voice Generation section of the plugin is responsible for taking your source audio and turning it into a lifelike clone, including varieties in pitch and timing as you'd find in a real-world vocal double. It can create one double or many depending on how you set it up. Doubles can be tightly locked together or modulated for more extreme results.

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The Post Processing section handles everything else - vocal density, saturation/warmth, compression, delay, reverb, and output gain. Use as much or as little as you want to get the group vocal results you desire!

? Tip: For tight vocal doubles, set lower values. For multiple voices (used in conjunction with Vocal Density - for chants and grouped vocal effects), raise the knob to audibly hear the separation.

Reduce the lows when using the Low Oct generator to balance mixed vocals. Raise the highs on backgrounds, strings, keys (pads), and guitars to add sparkle and air - when wrapped in reverb and ducked behind the source, this is a cool effect.

Spatially, Howard Benson Vocals includes both a multiplier and a spatial widener for three-dimensional control. Double your vocal for lush harmonic density and adjust the width of your vocal to dictate presence in the mix.

With the semi-parametric, 3-band EQ, paint a picture of how your vocals should sound. Use wide strokes with bell curves for big, dramatic vocals or keep your brush strokes narrow for finer, detailed control. Whatever you choose, this EQ's musicality is sure to resonate with your vocalist.

As much as harmonic density adds to the thickness of your vocal, you also need to consider how much of your vocal's presence comes from how wide it sounds. The Width module lets you spread your vocals out wide without thinning them out.

Tailored to streamline the mixing and processing of vocals, this tool has gained attention for its ability to simplify complex vocal processing tasks, offering a range of features that enhance clarity, presence, and overall sound quality.

With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and ability to deliver polished vocal results swiftly, it has become a go-to solution for producers seeking efficiency and high-quality outcomes in their vocal processing endeavors.

You can never go wrong with the classic sound of an 1176 FET compressor. One of the most popular dynamics processors of all time, the 1176 is fast, punchy and perfect for controlling the aggressive transients in an active vocal performance.

If the sound is too aggressive, or you want an even smoother sound, increase the release time. This will make the compressor behave more like an optical compressor and will glue the vocal together more.

If you want a slightly clearer vocal, try the fast release setting on the Devil-loc. Additionally, for differing timbres, at the bottom of the decapitator plugin, you can alternate between 5 styles. e24fc04721

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