From there using a hlsl effect is pretty simple here is a example i made a while back that uses a custom effect with spritebatch most of that is irrelevant but it shows how to load and use the effect as well as how to pass globals to it ect.

Suddenly I'm finding lot of instances where the blur effect is no longer working. It's like the effect remains blurry despite it being keyed out. This is an elaborate project that I've been working on for a few months. So, this is very frustrating. I'm having to go in and remove the blur effect and reapply it.

Vn Blur Effect Download Ios

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It's unbelievable how many problems I've been having with Adobe Premiere of the last 6 months. I even have a new build that is super top shelf and still problems. It's like every day something new. First it was a night mare with fonts not synching and not updating, then it was various warnings causing the program to lock up. And now this? What in the hell????

So, adobe premiere has effects that I shouldn't use all of the sudden? Great, is there a magical list somewhere of effects not to use? It's never been a problem before to use non gpu effects, even on my first gen i7 and this is a current cpu I'm using is ten years newer! Plus I'm using 64 Gigs of ram instead of 16. And all SSD's. Adobe premiere needs resolve, not avoidance. I appreciate the suggestion, I suppose I can try that from now on. But, for the moment I've already redone all the blurs and it's working fine for now. If I have to redo it again I'll try Gaussian Blur. But, really, this shouldn't be happening. I should be able to use camera blur.

I did a quick test and it looks like this only impacts "layers" or "nested" effects, if you apply it directly to the clip in a timeline it works, so seems like the "Accelleration" is used for "layered" effects which makes sense. Anyways, I'm going to try the Gaussian as I dont' want it directly on the clip.

I wanted to get a sanity check on the topic of logo design. I am a product designer and have done some client work in the past including the creation of some logos. I don't specialize in logo design but need your opinion on a certain matter.

Question:The logo design is using a heavy blur effect where there is a circle present and the first half of it is sharp and the other is blurred out. The freelancer is suggesting we use the blurred-out version of the logo in digital and some print scenarios where the blur effect will be nicely visible and won't cause any issues. He created a vector (stencil) version of the same logo where instead of the blur effect he created very thin and detailed lines that should represent the blur effect.

I raised some concerns regarding having two different logos. When I look at these logos I see two different logos and I am worried about the overall brand consistency and how we will be applying these logos in practice. Think in a context of a website, print material, t-shirt prints, embroidery, or small prints e.g. on a pen and pencil.

I am not a logo specialist but my knowledge and logo 101 understanding is that we should not use things like blur or shadows in logo design as the application in different scenarios becomes burdensome.

There are use cases where branding adapts - off the top of my head Apple comes to mind. It's either just the name, the name and the apple, or just the apple. The apple icon can have gradients and a "shine" or be a flat singular color. For video, Apple just used the top of the apple icon, not even the entire icon. All this could also refer to MicroSoft and how they adapt their branding. Or FedEx, with its multiple color variations based upon service. (Granted these are well established brands which offers some freedom.)

Multiple variations are not automatically a bad thing... it's more about how different the variations are and what specific aspects are changing. If the core imagery is conveyed in relatively the same manner, there may be no harm in variations. The key to brand usage is consistency. If variations can be implemented but remain overall consistent with each other, there's no harm. (Again Apple, MicroSoft, and FedEx come to mind - wide variations, but consistent overall shapes.)

The possible technical, reproduction, issues regarding a blur seem irrelevant. The conceptual usage of a blur is what I would question. A blur, in itself, seems counterintuitive to a "logo". But again, without knowing the company or seeing imagery it's hard to be definitive. A "blur" for branding, to me, conveys a company with a lack of focus which is rarely a favorable impression. There's a reason one would find it difficult, if not impossible, to find a well-established company that uses any blur in their overall brand imagery.

I do grasp the concept of "here's blurry, here's how we are more focused." or "Here's the old burry way... our way is new and more focused." However, trying to convey that narrative merely dilutes the brand overall. "Storytelling" is not a viable path for branding, in my opinion. A brand should be directly about the company it represents - it's mission, philosophy, or service/product. A brand is not about how or why the company is better than others. Wouldn't every company everywhere state they are better than others? Such narrative platitudes are meaningless to potential customers/clients - therefore pointless. For me, there's no place for comparisons or narratives in branding. Narratives are for the sales materials not the branding. In short, branding shouldn't "tell a story", branding should "convey a mindset".

I can't imagine how a "blur" is conveyed for something like a single color product brand placement (like a pen or keychain). And if it's conveyed well at such a small size, my inclination would be to use that variation for all usage. I, personally, am not of a mind to make a brand more visually complicated for some specific usage merely because it's possible. If a variation works well for silkscreening two colors on a t-shirt, then that variation should be used everywhere, as opposed to making the brand imagery more complex or detailed merely for web usage. Just because something can be done, doesn't necessarily mean it must be done.

And be aware "small thin lines" may not hold up at small sizes, which may negate the reasoning for creating such a variation. All lines "at size" will need to be no smaller than 0.25pt in stroke weight to ensure they are retained for most processes.

What may be helpful is how different variations are reviewed. All proposed designs should be viewed in 1 color (or greyscale) and 1" at its longest dimension. And viewed at arms length or farther. Often merely doing this can immediately eliminate proposed designs. If a logo doesn't hold up when looking at it this way.... it's not going to do the job it needs to do, even if it is stunningly beautiful full size on a web site.

When you screen a gradient for print (offset, silk print, etc.) you transform that gradient into dots, either different-sized dots or small dots with different densities (numbers) but that is part of the print process.

Some good examples of the difference between the "accidents" on a logo (by accident I mean things that are only happening to a logo) are the intro of an Xbox console, lights, movement, and even sound, vs the flat version on the box.

Without seeing your logo, a good version would be a clear element to indicate that "transformation" Perhaps the logo can have 2 colors to indicate that transformation, some flat transparency that can be later printed using 2 inks, or several dots of different sizes.

The first image is a representation on what you posted on the comments. And the other images are simply some exercises on what can be done. I do not mean that they work for your case, what I mean is that in some minutes I explored 9 alternatives that are vector files.

CustomTarget(2, 2) is the trick. The lower the value the more the blur effect. Basically its used to shrink the image size. Then all you have to do is set the shrunk bitmap to your imageView. And most important is to set ScaleType of the imageView to CenterCrop.

Have you tried using the FX on the rectangular object? There is a Gaussian Blur FX, along with some others you might also consider. You could also place a Live Filter on the rectangle too. But I find the FX are often overlooked and under appreciated.

2- duplicate the bacground image and drag it over the shape in the Layers panel (NOT over its thumbnail but over the area on the right otherwise it will not work). We are using the shape as a clipping layer for the background, so only the part of the image that lays inside the rectangle is visible. To avoid this duplicate changing it's position in relation to the "real background" select the shape layer, go to the context toolbar and check Lock children. 

3 - with the shape layer still selected click on the Layer Effect (FX icon) button on the bottom of the Layers panel and check/select the Gaussian Blur. The value you have to apply it varies depending on the size of your image, so adjust it until you are happy with the result. Make sure you check Preserve alpha to apply the FX up to the boundaries of the shape.

Another two years later, I'd also like to see a blur behind effect! Like Mabel posted it would be very useful for making UI mockups where this kind of frosted glass-type background is now quite common

Hi SlavaUX,

Pretty much almost all possible features were requested in the first couple years after the app's launch as soon as people started discovering about them so that's not really surprising. If you happen to have Affinity Photo you can easily reproduce this effect using a vector shape/closed path nested as a mask to a gaussian blur live filter (or any other type of blur filter or live filter you may want for other effects) and move as if it were a single object to wherever you need. You can copy the gaussian blur + mask layer to to Designer and still adjust the gaussian blur filter there. Here's a sample file showing how to achieve it: gaussian_blur_effect.afphoto

To move the circle, select the ellipse (the shape used as mask) in the layers panel clicking on its thumbnail and move it to where you need the effect. 152ee80cbc

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