I just upgraded my host machine to be Monterey, and my vm to Monterey (yes, I have macos running a macos vm using fusion 12.2.1). The vm does not have any audio devices attached. I have tried the steps multiple times here and they don't work for me. Do you have any other suggestions for this issue?

I'm sure that this worked in an older configuration on the same hardware before! Anyhow with MacOS 10.14 and fusion 11.0 i had the same problem. Last working config must have been MacOS 10.13 or before and fusion 10 or before. For quite some times I was not aware of the problem, because I did not use the mircrofone, then I needed to skype on my last trip ... I'm absolutely sure, that I skyped sucessfully before, but unfortunately I can not tell in which configuration.

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I installed VMWare fusion player today. And whenever I try to play a game or render a model in blender the audio gets really glitchy. It's really annoying when I am testing my game's audio or playing a game. And it also happens when simply watching 4K/1080P Video (rarely). I tried allocating more cores, More ram. I also tried allocating less cores, less ram.

I searched everywhere in google for a fix but I couldn't find any. Any solution I tried didn't fix the issue or just made it worse. 


M1 MacBook Air 7 Core GPU 8 Core CPU

256 GB SSD


I know these specs may be low but running low intensity games or applications such as blender or stared valley causes these glitches.

I'm so sorry for the confusion I used blender as an example for the sake of generalization and simplification not as the problem area. I am just confused about why the sound stutters or glitches whenever the graphics are used even if they aren't under a lot of load like modeling or 2D gaming

As for your next suggestion I am currently trying it out to see if it works (UPDATE: It didn't work sadly, I tried again and again changing the sound HZ). Thank you so much for your patience and your time, I'm immensely grateful.

That sounds like a coding glitch between the M1 and fusion passing resource requests to from the win11 VM to the M1 host. Specifically in the 3D graphics acceleration module. Being that the host and the VM are running different source codes, they might be asking/passing the right requests/resources, but then due to a coding setting it might be passing the traffic through a 'slower' thread.

But while we can keep on guessing about implementation details, the better thing one can do at a moment like this is trying to inspect the log that has details from the UI. It is called the vmware-vmfusion.log and can be found at:

ls ~/Library/Logs/VMware\ Fusion/

I'm not sure what the technical issues are for the bug but I know it has something to do with accessibility, and also that VMWare says the ball is in Mac's court to fix it. I know that it triggers when I suspend my vm on my host and unplug my monitors at work and plug in new monitors at home then go to open it back up again. It will glitch and cause this error and there's nothing I can do about it except completely uninstall and reinstall VMWare fusion with restarts, sometimes multiple times and can take up to at least an hour to fix.

I dealt with this for the last 6 months or so by having to completely uninstall/restart/install the application and it's been brutal. I put in a ticket to VMWare to address it a while ago, that's why I know they think it's Mac's job to fix it. They said to me they were in communication with Mac in regards to this issue, that it's already a known issue at this time. The last mac update appears to have mitigated the issue some, but I still ran into this issue when I unplugged a monitor WHILE VmWare fusion was suspending so it still exists.

Hi guys I've a strange problem, during the installation of VMware Fusion, after I accept the agreement, I put the license key and it is accepted, but I cannot click continue, if I click the button it does nothing, I tried to click on "try the product for 30 days" but nothing, so I can't use the program, I'm actually on macOS 12.6.3, I've tried Fusion Player and also fusion pro


Have been running VMware fusion on my intel mac for a long time, all good. Shut down the vm yesterday and it showed the usual black screen with white play triangle suggesting it had closed. I tried to then close fusion and it hung. I have restarted the mac and now when i try to open fusion the app hangs showing "(not responding)" and i have to force quit. I have looked inside the bundle and there is a .lck folder. I have tried deleting and restarting fusion but nothing changes. Can anyone suggest some help please? Many thanks, Matt

I Checked VMWare Kernel extensions (using 'kextstat | grep vmware') and all 4 are there. I don't have a Screen Recording entry in Privacy tab but I do have a Camera and Microphone and they are set to allow VMware Fusion. 0852c4b9a8

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