Enterpreneurship Development Cell

Entrepreneurship development is the means of enhancing the knowledge and skill of entrepreneurs through several classroom coaching and programs, and training. The main point of the development process is to strengthen and increase the number of entrepreneurs. 

This entrepreneur development process helps new firms or ventures get better in achieving their goals, improve business and the nation’s economy. Another essential factor of this process is to improve the capacity to manage, develop, and build a business enterprise keeping in mind the risks related to it.

 In simple words, the entrepreneurship development process is about supporting entrepreneurs to advance their skills with the help of training and coaching classes. It encourages them to make better judgments and take a sensible decision for all business activities.

Activities under EDC 

The ED Cell of the College conducts various awareness programmes such as Seminars, Workshops, Industrial Visits, and Interaction with young Entrepreneurs etc. These programmes are aimed at making the student community more enthusiastic towards entrepreneurial activity.


To produce successful entrepreneurs imbibed with innovative skills and ethical business practices contributing to the development of the society and growth of the nation.


To promote the culture and spirit of entrepreneurship among students and motivate them to become entrepreneurs.


Report of mushroom 2023-24.pdf