

I am a Microfabrication Engineer at Yoon's Lab at the University of Michigan, where I design, engineer, and microfabricate invasive neural devices for brain cortex studies.

Previously, I was a Nanofabrication Engineer in the Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. I obtained my Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. I hold an M.Eng. in Nanosciences from Universite Paris-Saclay and Bs.c. in Physical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino.

I am passionate about working on the development of biomedical devices using micro and nanofabrication techniques. You can find my CV here.

Here's an article explaining my research:

Illuminating the Workings of the Brain by Controlling Light at the Nanoscale

Research fields


For a complete list of publications, please check my Google Scholar profile

Selected publications:

Conference presentations and talks

Neural Engineering Training Program Symposium (NETP) - Ann Arbor (MI) - 05/2022

Talk: High-density, fiberless optoelectrodes for selective modulation of neural activity at cellular resolution

Micro and Nanoengineering conference (MNE) - Torino (IT) - 09/2021

Talk: Neural probes merging semiconductor scalability with polymer-like bendability for low damage acute in vivo neural network interrogation 

Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Nanofabrication conference (EIPBN) - online - 06/2021

Talk: Probes merging semiconductor scalability and polymeric‑like flexibility

Molecular Foundry User Meeting - Berkeley, CA 08/2020

Talk: photonic probes for high resolution in vivo neural network readout and manipulation

Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Nanofabrication conference (EIPBN) - San Jose (PR) - 06/2018

Talk: optoelectrodes with passive switching optical circuits: light control in deep brain tissue

Invited seminar at Politecnico di Torino (Torino, IT) - 01/2018

Talk: brain‑machine interfaces and neural probes

Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Nanofabrication conference (EIPBN) - Orlando (FL) - 06/2017

Poster: multifunctional neural probes for neural activity readout and control

Molecular Foundry User Meeting - Berkeley (CA) - 2017,2018,2019

Multiple Posters: multifunctional probes for neural activity readout and control


I'm glad to receive questions and be in touch for discussions and collaborations. Contact me via email