I am a Microfabrication Engineer at Yoon's Lab at the University of Michigan, where I design, engineer, and microfabricate invasive neural devices for brain cortex studies.
Previously, I was a Nanofabrication Engineer in the Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. I obtained my Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. I hold an M.Eng. in Nanosciences from Universite Paris-Saclay and Bs.c. in Physical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino.
I am passionate about working on the development of biomedical devices using micro and nanofabrication techniques. You can find my CV here.
Here's an article explaining my research:
Illuminating the Workings of the Brain by Controlling Light at the Nanoscale
Research fields
Micro and nanofabrication
Semiconductor processing
Packaging and assembly
Passive photonics
For a complete list of publications, please check my Google Scholar profile
Selected publications:
E. De Tommasi, S. Romano, V. Mocella, F. Sgrignuoli, V. Lanzio, S. Cabrini, G. Zito (2023). Half‐Integer Topological Charge Polarization of Quasi‐Dirac Bound States in the Continuum. Advanced Optical Materials, 2300475.
S. Oh, K. Kim, J. Lopez Ruiz, N. Slager, E. Ko, M. Vöröslakos, V. Lanzio, H. Song, S. Park, E. Yoon (2023). A compact, ultrahigh-density headstage with high-fidelity hybrid integration for large-scale deep-brain opto-electrophysiology, bioRxiv. 02.560174
C. Schiattarella, G. Sanità, B. Guilcapi Alulema, V. Lanzio, S. Cabrini, A. Lamberti, I. Rendina, V. Mocella, G. Zito, S. Romano (2022). High-Q photonic aptasensor based on avoided crossing bound states in the continuum and trace detection of ochratoxin A, Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X (12), 100262.
C. Schiattarella, S. Romano, L. Sirleto, V. Mocella, V. Lanzio, I. Rendina, F. Riminucci, S. Cabrini, L. Liang, X. Liu, G. Zito. (2022). High-Radiance Upconversion Luminescence from Lanthanide-Doped Nanoparticles-Engineered Metasurface Supporting Bound States in the Continuum. Nonlinear Photonics, NpTh1F. 6.
V. Lanzio, G. Telian, A. Koshelev, P. Micheletti, G. Presti, E. D’Arpa, P. De Martino, M. Lorenzon, P. Denes, M. West, S. Sassolini, S. Dhuey, H. Adesnik, S. Cabrini (2021). Small footprint optoelectrodes using ring resonators for passive light localization. Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering 7 (1), 1-14
V. Lanzio, M. Lorenzon, S. Dhuey, C.F. Pirri, A. Lamberti, S. Cabrini (2021). Scalable nanophotonic neural probes for multicolor and on-demand light delivery in brain tissue. Nanotechnology 32 (26), 265201
V. Lanzio, V. Gutierrez, J. Hermiz, K. Bouchard, S. Cabrini (2021). Neural optoelectrodes merging semiconductor scalability with polymeric-like bendability for low damage acute in vivo neuron readout and stimulation. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 39 (6), 063001
V. Lanzio, M. West, A. Koshelev, G. Telian, P. Micheletti, R. Lambert, S. Dhuey, H. Adesnik, S. Sassolini, S. Cabrini (2018). High-density electrical and optical probes for neural readout and light focusing in deep brain tissue. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 17 (2), 025503
E. De Tommasi, S. Romano, V. Mocella, F. Sgrignuoli, V. Lanzio, S. Cabrini, G. Zito, Half-Integer Topological Charge Polarization of Quasi-Dirac Bound States in the Continuum. Adv. Optical Mater. 2023, 11, 2300475.
G. Zito, G. Sanità, B.G. Alulema, S.N. Lara, V. Lanzio, F. Riminucci, S. Cabrini, M. Moccia, C. Avitabile, A. Lamberti, V. Mocella, I. Rendina, S. Romano (2021). Label-free DNA biosensing by topological light confinement. Nanophotonics 10 (17), 4279 - 4287
A. Scalia, P. Zaccagnini, M. Armandi, G. Latini, D. Versaci, V. Lanzio, A. Varzi, S. Passerini, A. Lamberti (2021). Tragacanth Gum as Green Binder for Sustainable Water‐Processable Electrochemical Capacitor. ChemSusChem 14 (1), 356-362
S. Oh, ..., V. Lanzio et AL., A compact, ultrahigh-density headstage with high-fidelity hybrid integration for large-scale deep-brain opto-electrophysiology , BiorXiv,
Conference presentations and talks
Neural Engineering Training Program Symposium (NETP) - Ann Arbor (MI) - 05/2022
Talk: High-density, fiberless optoelectrodes for selective modulation of neural activity at cellular resolution
Micro and Nanoengineering conference (MNE) - Torino (IT) - 09/2021
Talk: Neural probes merging semiconductor scalability with polymer-like bendability for low damage acute in vivo neural network interrogation
Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Nanofabrication conference (EIPBN) - online - 06/2021
Talk: Probes merging semiconductor scalability and polymeric‑like flexibility
Molecular Foundry User Meeting - Berkeley, CA 08/2020
Talk: photonic probes for high resolution in vivo neural network readout and manipulation
Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Nanofabrication conference (EIPBN) - San Jose (PR) - 06/2018
Talk: optoelectrodes with passive switching optical circuits: light control in deep brain tissue
Invited seminar at Politecnico di Torino (Torino, IT) - 01/2018
Talk: brain‑machine interfaces and neural probes
Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Nanofabrication conference (EIPBN) - Orlando (FL) - 06/2017
Poster: multifunctional neural probes for neural activity readout and control
Molecular Foundry User Meeting - Berkeley (CA) - 2017,2018,2019
Multiple Posters: multifunctional probes for neural activity readout and control
Outreach and mentoring
Illuminating the Workings of the Brain by Controlling Light at the Nanoscale
Molecular Foundry Science Highlights
American Institute of Physics, AVS newsletter
I'm glad to receive questions and be in touch for discussions and collaborations. Contact me via email