Thank you very much for your answer. I have actually used (somewhat unconsciously) ClickOnce. The problem, however, was not the lack of a signature. I noticed a long time ago that such applications, even published by professional companies and properly signed (e.g. VargusGen), did not install on any of the computers I had available. It turned out that the problem was in the registry settings as described [here]( -pl/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-studio-2015/deployment/how-to-configure-the- clickonce-trust-prompt-behavior? view = vs-2015 & redirectedfrom = MSDN). After setting the appropriate keys to Enabled, the problem for both my first simple applications and those released by professionals disappeared.

That's right there is no addin support in express but our friend over at the "Arduino To Visual Studio Converter" site has expressed an interest in using the API behind the addin to extend his windows/vs shell integration project.

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With the API we will be able to ensure that any visual studio project is configured fully for arduino and also provide windows file explorer (or task bar icon/app) features that allow compile, board selection, upload, ISP etc. 0852c4b9a8

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