Visual Basic (VB) is an event-driven programming language and environment from Microsoft that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) which allows programmers to modify code by simply dragging and dropping objects and defining their behavior and appearance. VB is derived from the BASIC programming language and is considered to be event-driven and object-oriented.

VB is intended to be easy to learn and fast to write code with; as a result, it is sometimes called a rapid application development (RAD) system and is used to prototype an application that will later be written in a more difficult but efficient language.

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The last version of VB, Visual Basic 6, was released in 1998, but has since been replaced by VB .NET, Visual Basic for applications (VBA) and Visual Stuido .NET. VBA and Visual Studio are the two frameworks most commonly used today.

VB is a GUI-based development tool that offers a faster RAD than most other programming languages. VB also features syntax that is more straightforward than other languages, a visual environment that is easy to understand and high database connectivity.

Visual Basic was designed to be a complete programming language that contained ordinary features, such as string processing and computation. The visual environment is characterized by a drag-and-drop feature which allows programmers to build a user interface that is easy to use, even for developers with minimum experience.

While these features of VB are advantageous, there are others that can have a negative effect. The VB programming environment requires a large amount of memory, both for the initial installation and to run efficiently afterwards. The graphical features of the programming tool take up a large amount of space and require a significant amount of memory.

Finally, with C languages, programmers can feasibly locate and use the defined values for variable data in a computer program at declaration time. This initialization practice is something that isn't easily done with VB.

The structure of VB is designed to allow programmers to use the environment to write executable files (exe files). Also, using VB, developers can create programs that can be utilized as a front end to databases. VB tools can help programmers develop applications or complete software while still allowing them to modify and revise their work accordingly.

The most popular type of Visual Basic in use today is VBA. VBA is a version of Visual Basic that can be used to program Microsoft Office apps, such as Excel and PowerPoint. However, it can only be used to modify existing apps; VBA cannot be used to create new apps.

Typical users engage VBA to make repeated, everyday tasks less monotonous through the use of macros. Macros automate almost any activity -- such as performing word and data processing or generating custom charts and tables. For example, a typical user might write a macro that allows them to create and fill a spreadsheet with a single click. Computer professionals use VBA and macros in more complicated ways. Programmers will often write macros that can replicate large portions of code or define specific languages.

Businesses and organizations can use VBA to customize Excel for their unique purposes, such as pulling certain statistics or information from a spreadsheet. Businesses and organizations can also use VBA externally, or in non-Microsoft applications, by applying a technology called a component object model (COM) interface that enables commands to communicate across computer boundaries. This allows VBA to be used on an enterprise-specific application.

However, VB becomes extremely beneficial when used with Microsoft's COM interface. The COM components can be written in various languages and then integrated using VB. Additionally, VB provides not only a programming language, but an integrated development environment (IDE) that has been written and optimized to best support RAD. This allows programmers to easily build GUIs and connect them to functions within the application.

Overall, VB enables the rapid development of Windows based applications while also assisting in the access of databases by using ActiveX data objects (ADO) while allowing programmers to use ActiveX control and various objects.

VB continued to evolve throughout the 1990s until Visual Basic 6 was released in 1998, which was replaced by VB .NET. However, Visual Basic for Applications, which is most commonly used today to automate Microsoft Office tasks, is highly compatible with the classic VB 6.

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I have written a small visual basic utility which references a single Fortran subroutine. The visual basic program and the Fortran subroutines live in separate projects within a single solution. Both projects were created from scratch and the !$DEC DLLEXPORT command in the latter were accepted as supplied by the compiler interface. The Visual Basic program is given the Fortran project as a Dependency. And a suitable declaration was included in the Visual Basic program to the Fortran subroutine. Everything builds OK but dies in run-time. In my first attempt, I simply placed the Fortran dll in the same folder as the VB executable.

So I tried to make the Fortran dll a reference of the VB project.. The system rejected that attempt to Add it to the references. The attached message appeared. What kind of errors (of omission?) on my part could give rise to this error?

I have been unable to locate your example VBCallsFortran. Other threads seem to suggest it should be somewhere under C:\Program_Files(X86) but I don't seem to have it there. Is there a web site location for it?

I was afraid you would say that. For some reason, I don't have it. Would you be good enough to attach the zip to an e-mail to me. I am not an unlicensed user but the installation package as used on our local network must have eliminated these examples. My effort right now seems to be challenged by passing VB strings to character variables in the Fortran subroutine. My interactive debug shows only the first character being passed.

That is, all the Windows-specific stuff on calling conventions, etc. can be moved to Microsoft-arena, meaning to the .NET (Visual Basic or C#) side; after all, C# and Visual Basic can be viewed more as Microsoft products and less as open, ISO-type of standard programming languages.

Is this something Intel would find contrary to its business directives or opposite to what customers would want or find easy to use? Is that why such an option is not being brought to the attention of users, meaning no such case being included in the samples?

Does having standard Fortran code hold any value or appeal for you? As you may know, that would mean no statements such as "USE IFCOM" in your code since IFCOM is an Intel-specific solution. It would also mean no errors or warnings from your code if /warn:stderrors compiler option is used which should lead to code that is portable across compilers and platforms. Now it would entail learning and making use of Fortran standard features toward interoperability in C.

The mixed-language samples are moving to using the C interoperability features where it makes sense. You can't do away with STDCALL when dealing with VB, and you might be dealing with non-C-interoperable types or structures. I am on record as recommending use of standard syntax wherever feasible. Sometimes I don't suggest it because it requires more changes to the source than I want to get into in a reply. Also I often don't know what the rest of the code looks like so it may not be applicable to use the standard syntax.

working on porting a rather large program from VB6 to (Version 2013) with intel Fortran, version XE 2013 sp1 . The UI is ok and with an other less big program it all went more or less smooth. So far, so good, but when I tried to send more than one filename to the dll for reading and writing some data, the first filename comes through correctly, but the next is rubbish. So, I started with a small demo, zip file attached, that gives the same problem. Any suggestion where/what is wrong with my code?

Your VB code is passing the string lengths after each string address, but the Fortran code is not expecting any lengths due to the REFERENCE attribute (and if it was, they would be looked for at the end of the argument list). The Fortran code might have worked with CVF which had different conventions.

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

I'm currently creating a VB application that searches through our dwf library and opens a part by file name. It's a simple little program that allows our employees to view our product prints quickly and efficiently. I want to add a Preview box on the application window of the form that shows what the print looks like while I select it from a listbox of possible items to open when I do a print search.

Does anyone have any VB code that could help? We are using the most recent version of Design Review and are current with our Inventor Design Suite Subscription. I did download the Design Review SDK but have not seen anything in it that would allow me to do this.

Ok So i did some investigating and found the Autodesk DWF Viewer Control for the VB2015 toolbox. Guess what when I try to add the control to the form the Visual Studio 2015 crashes. I tried adding the control to a new form with no code and it still crashes. I have to say that i'm pretty frustrated with Autodesk right now. Why would you make a control available for a product and not maintain it to function with the most common of development tools available, this is just lazy. I have spent the last 6 hours searching the web to come to the conclusion that Autodesk has abandoned this product and won't support it any longer. But there is an! There is is always PDF! Muuuuhaaahaaa! 152ee80cbc

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