Diplomatic Quarter

You have decided to visit the Diplomatic Quarter.  Several of the alien ambassadors on Babylon 5 live in the Diplomatic Quarter, which is a separate, secure part of the station in Green Sector, surveilled by Babylon 5 Security.  These quarters offer pleasant suites consisting of several rooms, usually with a screened off sleeping area.  The Ambassadors typically like the higher-up apartments, which have views looking out onto the open gardens.  The Human Ambassador is of course Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, and he has a separate diplomatic office in Green Sector, near to the Babylon 5 Council.

Travel to the Diplomatic Quarter

To reach the Diplomatic quarter, you will have travelled by the core shuttle to the middle of Green Sector.  This is exactly halfway along the two-kilometre length of the open part of the Carousel.  This part of the station is built up, but not as much as the end caps in Red Sector and Brown Sector.  There cannot be more than twenty levels rising above ground level.  From the core shuttle, you see this as an annular ring of low buildings, open in the centre.

You will have taken a Transport Tube from the Core Shuttle down to the buildings below.  As in the rest of Babylon 5, the numbering of the levels increases as you descend towards the hull.  The top of the accommodation block is Green 1, and this extends down to Green 20 at ground level, which is the exit into the open parkland.  If you go deeper than this, you will reach the Alien Sector, which lies below ground.

The Ambassadorial Residences

Several of the Ambassadors to Babylon 5 reside on Green2, which is on the second level down.  These are the humanoid species which breathe the standard oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere.  If you want to find more exotic Ambassadors, you will need to take the Transport Tube deeper into the Alien Sector.