Vision Protect

Enjoy screen time without eye strain and red eyes

How would you feel if you could look at a screen all day long without getting dry, burning eyes?

The VisionProtect system was developed by our team to prevent your eyes turning red and hurtful.

Watch the video to see how easily it works:

VisionProtect works straight from your browser (Chrome, Firefox), but it is also available for download, so you can use it offline.

The story behind VisionProtect

I used to have red eyes and blurred vision after using the computer for a couple of hours. As my job requires me to spend 8-10 hours per day using a screen, I needed a solution to this problem.

While playing computer games earlier, I took breaks every hour or so and splash water on my face, but I still could not get rid of bloodshot eyes.

You might have already heard some of the recommendations fighting red eyes:

  • Take regular breaks
  • Use special eye-drops
  • Look at a far away object regularly
  • Fix reflections on your screen
  • Get rid of incandescent lights at your office.
  • Wear special computer glasses

These tips will indeed help you, and I encourage you to try these methods to make it easier on your eyes to look at a screen.

According to Wikipedia though, that the #1 reason for dry and red eyes is that people tend to blink less while working with a computer screen.

Based on my personal research in the topic of dry eyes, I developed the VisionProtect application that is specifically designed to remind people to blink at a healthy rate.

Screenshots from VisionProtect

What is VisionProtect?

Put simply, VisionProtect is an application that helps you develop a healthy habit of blinking enough while looking at a computer screen.

VisionProtect stays in the background and does not disturb your normal flow of working. It sends a gentle reminder when your blinking rate is below the healthy level, and this is pretty much all you need.

Moreover, by using VisionProtect, you learn the habit of blinking enough. The habit stays with you long term, and you benefit from blinking enough even if VisionProtect is turned off.

By now, more than a 500 people downloaded the application, and I really thank you all for your support!

We get emails such as the following from people who used the prototype version of the app:

Hi Peter, Thank you very much for your blink coach app. I tried it last week and just wanted to tell you that it really made a difference, especially while working at night. My eyes were already cleaner, and the usual bloodshot look was also gone. Keep up the good work! Jonathan

Since I am really happy that this app brought great results to people, I would like to help you as well.

I am making this app available for download for free, in the hope of helping as many people as I can.

What users say about VisionProtect

After just a few days of using VisionProtect, I noticed that my eye health changed for the better. My eyes no longer burn, itch, or become red after using a computer screen for long hours

Julia B., secretary

This is so exciting! I was able to try VisionProtect for a few hours, and my eyes already are less dry and less itchy

Rob L., web developer

Click the Get Started button below, and enjoy the immediate benefits of working on the computer for hours without eye strain and blurry vision.

The application works from any modern browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox), including mobile platforms.

Please keep in mind that the offline application is only available for Windows, but we have a plan to support Android and iOS in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is my data private?

A1: We do not retain any of your data apart from your name and email address. We only use your email address to send you the link for the application and get in touch if you need help with the application. Your video or photo is never stored permanently or temporarily, either offline or online.

Q2: Is this training hard? Do I have to actively do any exercise?

A2: Not at all. This training does not involve any active exercise, you just have to let your eyes adapt to a healthy blinking rate. You can choose how long you would like to use the application every day, whatever feels comfortable to you.

Q3: Do I need special equipment?

A3: All you need is a webcam (the built-in camera in your laptop is perfect) and a speaker or headphones; and you are ready to go.

Q4: I have a quite unique face. Will your application work for me?

A4: We have tested the application with more than a hundred datapoints, with reasonably good results. The face and eye detection algorithm is trained with more than 10.000 images, therefore you can expect good results. Should you experience any problems, please feel free to contact us.

Q5: How soon can I expect results?

A5: It depends on the frequency and the duration of your training sessions. Many of our clients experience a positive effect after 3-4 hours of training. For long-lasting effects, regular practice is key. You are always in control of how much you would like to use the application every day.

Q6: What platforms are supported?

A6: For the offline version, currently only Windows is supported (Windows 7 or higher). In the future, we plan to support Android and iOS. The version that runs in the browser works pretty much anywhere where you can run Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.