If you have worked for the ODNI in a staff or contract capacity and are intending to share intelligence-related information with the public through social media posts, books or television and film productions, you will need to submit the materials for approval.

Lead the Intelligence Community by driving integration, collaboration, and innovation under a shared vision that advances national security priorities and embodies our nation's democratic principles and values.

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The release includes a new map renderer that is available for opt-in use,which provides improved performance and stability, as well as support forCloud-based maps styling. For more information about this and other updates,see the productrelease notes.

Update: As of July 29, 2019, the com.google.android.gms:play-services-placesartifact has been decommissioned.To continue use of the Places SDK for Android, updateto a supported version of the Places SDK for Android. Supported versions arelisted in release notes.

This release includes updates to provide compatibility with Android ODeveloper Preview 1. The most significant updates are internal changes tothe Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)libraries and a change in the guaranteed lifecycle of GCM and FCM callbacksto 10 seconds, after which Android O considers such callbacks eligible fortermination. For more information on handling GCM and FCM messages onAndroid O, seeThe Firebase Blog.

In order to achieve this regional vision, we will develop a roadmap that leverages our respective efforts to increase ties among Asian powers, enabling both our nations to better respond to diplomatic, economic and security challenges in the region.

You can see the latest product updates for all of Google Cloud on the Google Cloud page, browse and filter all release notes in the Google Cloud Platform Console, or programmatically access release notes in BigQuery.

After June 4, 2020, the v1beta1 version of AutoML API will deny increasing numbers of API requests from AutoML Vision users. Please refer to the November 20, 2019 release notes and migrate to v1 version immediately.

Strong cyber security is an essential element of Canadian innovation and prosperity. Individuals, governments, and businesses all want to have confidence in the cyber systems that underpin their daily lives. The Government of Canada envisions a future in which all Canadians play an active role in shaping and sustaining our nation's cyber resilience.

Cyber security action plans will supplement this Strategy. These will detail the specific initiatives that the federal government will undertake over time, with clear performance metrics and a commitment to report on results achieved. They will also outline the Government's plan for working with internal and external partners to achieve its vision.

It's tax season and Mohsen recently filed his taxes online. A few days later, he receives an email from someone claiming to be a tax official, informing him that there is information missing from his file. The official makes an urgent request for additional personal information to complete his file, including his address and social insurance number. The email notes that failure to provide this information could lead to steep penalties and even jail time. Mohsen feels suspicious about the email, and so before providing the information, he checks the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website. He reads that the CRA would never send emails asking individuals to divulge personal or financial information. He follows the CRA's advice by ignoring the email.

As you might have noticed during Monday's keynote, Apple has put together a full-fledged team dedicated to visionOS and Vision Pro, both on the hardware and software side. It is a group of new faces we've never seen before in public.

That's why I believe the reports about Vision Pro and visionOS have caused internal conflict and controversy at Apple to be realistic. Again, you could see that reflected in Monday's presentation. The head honcho of all things software, Craig Federighi, hasn't been seen anywhere near visionOS and Vision Pro. How come? Sure, he's got a lot of other duties, but it's still strange that someone so high in the chain of command (and a viable candidate to take Tim Cook's place in a few years) wouldn't have any interest in being associated to Apple's hot new product.

The same happened every time Apple launched a new category-defining product. The iPod started an internal civil war about what it should be and its interface (a battle Tony Fadell won). The iPhone and the further development of iOS created a rift that resulted in Scott Forstall parting ways from the company after the internal conflict was the most probable root cause of Apple Maps' launch fiasco in 2012. More recently, the evolution of Apple's design approach to the Watch and, later, the new Apple Silicon Macs must have something to do with Chief Design Officer Jony Ive finally leaving Apple.

Apple is a company fully committed to accessibility, but this is the first Apple product where that fundamental tenet takes second place. It's called Vision, it's vision-centric, and will inevitably exclude a large cohort of blind or vision-impaired users. That's a community that Apple caters to with every product in its line-up. Of course, that's true for every visor. On the other hand, the Vision Pro could be revolutionary for a wider, possibly larger group of users with a disability, considering the user's eyes can become literal cursors to navigate the interface. I am curious to see how Apple will approach this issue from a marketing perspective.

A camp for internally displaced people in northwest Syria offers a bleak and cold existence for 5-year-old Samer (name changed to protect identity). Aid workers are working around the clock to provide emergency support, but with tens of thousands of people arriving every day, supplies are low and the humanitarian response is overwhelmed. (2020 World Vision)

Via the philosophies of "Daily Improvements" and "Good Thinking, Good Products, TPS has evolved into a world-renowned production system. Even today, all Toyota production divisions are making improvements to TPS day-and-night to ensure its continued evolution.

The new transforms in torchvision.transforms.v2 support image classification, segmentation, detection, and video tasks. They are now 10%-40% faster than before! This is mostly achieved thanks to 2X-4X improvements made to v2.Resize(), which now supports native uint8 tensors for Bilinear and Bicubic mode. Output results are also now closer to PIL's! Check out our performance recommendations to learn more.

Additionally, torchvision now ships with libjpeg-turbo instead of libjpeg, which should significantly speed-up the jpeg decoding utilities (read_image, decode_jpeg), and avoid compatibility issues with PIL.

In the previous release 0.15 we BETA-released a new set of transforms in torchvision.transforms.v2 with native support for tasks like segmentation, detection, or videos. We have now stabilized the design decisions of these transforms and made further improvements in terms of speedups, usability, new transforms support, etc.

The API is completely backward compatible with the previous one, and remains the same to assist the migration and adoption. We are now releasing this new API as Beta in the torchvision.transforms.v2 namespace, and we would love to get early feedback from you to improve its functionality. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or suggestions.

We're grateful for our community, which helps us improve torchvision by submitting issues and PRs, and providing feedback and suggestions. The following persons have contributed patches for this release:

Following up on the multi-weight support API that was released on the previous version, we have added a new model registration API to help users retrieve models and weights. There are now 4 new methods under the torchvision.models module: get_model, get_model_weights, get_weight, and list_models. Here are examples of how we can use them:

We would like to thank Haoqi Fan, Yanghao Li, Christoph Feichtenhofer and Wan-Yen Lo for their work on PyTorchVideo and their support during the development of the MViT model. We would like to thank Sophia Zhi for her contribution implementing the S3D model in torchvision.

The Swin Transformer and EfficienetNetV2 are two popular classification models which are often used for downstream vision tasks. This release includes 6 pre-trained weights for their classification variants. Here is how to use the new models:

Torchvision now supports optical flow! Optical flow models try to predict movement in a video: given two consecutive frames, the model predicts where each pixel of the first frame ends up in the second frame. Check out our new tutorial on Optical Flow!

Vision Transformer (ViT) and ConvNeXt are two popular architectures which can be used as image classifiers or as backbones for downstream vision tasks. In this release we include 8 pre-trained weights for their classification variants. The models were trained on ImageNet and can be used as follows:

Up until now, torchvision would almost never remove deprecated APIs. In order to be more aligned and consistent with pytorch core, we are updating our deprecation policy. We are now following a 2-release deprecation cycle: deprecated APIs will raise a warning for 2 versions, and will be removed after that. To reflect these changes and to smooth the transition, we have decided to:

Caroline has been with the Strategic Communications team since January 2020. She works on creating content for the employee intranet blog Empathy Corner and News+Notes, among helping senior team members with internal duties.

 Caroline received her B.S. in Public Relations with a minor in health promotion at the University of Florida in May 2021.

[1] FIRM-5238 - Added additional quality check logic for incoming GPS sentence parsing on camera. Camera will now perform it's own internal calculation of checksum value for all parsed GPS sentences and compare against existing checksum field in NMEA GPS sentences. If value of calculated checksum does not match incoming GPS checksum, the camera will update the GPS Quality field with value 15 and discard incoming GPS sentence from usage. e24fc04721

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