The player makes choices that shape the village's progress, including choosing preferred skill sets for each villager, researching technologies, and dragging villagers to points of interest on the map.

A few villagers flee their island on boat to escape erupting volcano. They crash into the southern shore of a new island, which they name Isola, and start their civilization anew. They recover ancient abandon monuments and revive the culture practiced by the previous tribe. Eventually, a mother gives birth to a magical "golden child" who never ages and who possesses magical powers. The golden child uncovers many of the other mysteries of the island including removing the boulder blocking a secret cave at the edge of the village.

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Two curious villagers are selected from the established tribe from Virtual Villagers: A New Home and explore the uncovered cave at the edge of the village. They find themselves on the western shore of Isola, discovering a small group of abandoned children. The villagers attempt to build a society anew and slowly uncover cliff wall engravings that explain where the previous villagers had disappeared to. They also repair a dismantled Gong that, when rung, provides several gifts to the village.

With their village getting overcrowded, a family is selected to venture to the northern shore of Isola, where they find an abandoned city. The villagers find refuge there and restore the former glory of the city. They organize and establish an alchemy lab, repair huts and ancient structures, and discover artifacts. While uncovering rubble leading to a cave, the villagers learn of an ancient feud between rivaling tribes practicing magic or embracing nature. The villagers recover three crystals that open a large embellished cliff door, where, upon solving a final puzzle, an apparition of the previous tribe's prince and princess appear, explaining the history of the tribe and how a forbidden marriage led to a war.

Several generations have coexisted with the island in happiness and peace. In a turn of events, the fauna of the island has begun to diminish and, as such, the chieftain of the villagers sends an expedition to investigate the causation of this phenomenon. The expedition party stumbles to the eastern shore of the island, where a clearing with an enormous dying banyan tree, dubbed the Tree of Life, is found, thought to be the source of the decline in fauna. The villagers begin a new village while solving puzzles, and learn that the magic of the island of Isola was founded by and resonated with the growth of the tree. As the tree started to wilt from a curse, the magic on the island also started to decline. The villagers tend to the tree by completing several tasks, eventually healing the tree.[4]

The villagers discover a mask found on the edge of a forbidden path leading into the forest. When a group of villagers go to investigate, they are captured and imprisoned by a group of masked heathens. Once captured, the villagers find the heathens are passive to their actions. They break out of their bamboo prison and explore the heathen's disorganized city. The heathens have installed sacred totems that the villagers tear down in order to progress in their own chosen fields of study as well to restore broken structures and rediscover sacred artifacts. All the while, the villagers attempt to convert all the heathen villagers back to believing in their ancient ways.

Eventually, the villagers, with the help of a divine guiding force, convert all of the village elders, who each has a piece of a necklace. The necklace is put together and given to the heathen tribal chief, and it is revealed that the necklace was once his daughter's. He lets go of his loss and looks toward the future. The chief then joins the tribe, donating his skills and attempts to enlighten others.

Virtual Villagers: Origins consists of 16 different puzzles to achieve, ranging from the simple (finding a clean water source) to the complex (producing the magical "golden child" who will bring peace and fortune upon your villagers). The village, tasks, and puzzles are pretty much the same as the original PC release, with a few neat additions. You can use excess tech points gained by your little people researching at the lab table to buy fun new upgrades. Time Warp, for example, moves the game ahead three hours, while Grant Youth de-ages a villager by 35 years. You can even make villagers faster or masters at their trade, something that would take ages to accomplish without the little boost.

For those who already love the series Virtual Villagers: Origins is a nostalgic look back to the beginning. For those who have never played it is a fun, free, and above all portable introduction to the origins of the mysterious land of Isola and its magical inhabitants. Either way Virtual Villagers: Origins is an adventure not to be missed.

Know your villagers! Click on a villager and you can see a brief summary of them at the bottom of the screen, their name, their current skill (and level) and what they are doing. To the right of the information is the Detail button which allows you to set their tasks, see their status (age, gender, health, etc.) and the ability to upgrade them using extra tech points. Upgrades include the ability to make them younger, granting them instant master status, or giving them "running" in their likes.

Don't forget to set work preferences for your villagers! For instance, if you want someone farming, make sure to check the farming preference. Villagers without preferences set will often wander around and do their own thing.

Keep your villagers fed! When the food drops below levels of 300 the villagers will start to worry about food. This means they will wander away from their tasks and will refuse to have children. Be especially careful about the food when leaving the game for a while, it is possible to come back to a village that has starved to death.

Watch out for island events! These events happen randomly, and often feature a choice. Opening a mysterious crate that washed up on the beach can result in extra food or biting spiders (or rats) that make your villagers ill. Eating something unknown can add to knowledge, but it can also kill a villager.

You will begin with a group of 6 villagers, 5 adults and one child. Click on each villager and look at the status screens at the bottom of the screen to find the trainee builder (you will always start with 4 untrained adults and 1 trainee builder).

Once your builder has completed the hut, you can move him/her over to the wood that is scattered on the left side of the beach. This is the wood from the raft that carried your villagers to the island.

Go ahead and finish buying the remaining level 2 technologies that you haven't so far. Medicine and Fertility will be important at this point as your villagers should be getting elderly or close to it.

Grant Running - 40,000 tech points. This will create a villager who has "running" under their likes column in the details section. Villagers who have this like are called "runners" and will finish tasks around 3 times faster than normal villagers.

The vegetable garden will sustain a village of up to 12 people easily. Anything over 12 and the food will go down faster than you can bring it in. If you still can't afford level 3 farming and you have too many people, hunting for mushrooms can keep your villagers alive between crops.

In that case you need to assign more villagers to farming. Even with an unlimited supply of food in the ocean, if you're not bringing it in fast enough you risk starvation. Make sure as the population goes up to assign more farmers.

Virtual Villagers: Origins runs in "real-time", which means that even when the game is off time passes for your little villagers. If you did not have adequate food supplies and left them alone for too long, they probably starved to death. When you are going to leave for long periods of time (a day or more), it might be best to set the game at "pause" to prevent tragedies like this.

Make sure that at least one of your adult villagers is trained as a doctor. To train a doctor you need to set their preferences to healing, then start dropping them on the medicinal cactus at the top of the village. Eventually they become a trainee and will heal villagers when they become sick.

Check the villagers' preferences, he may dislike herbs, or flowers. If he dislikes those things, he's never going to study the plants needed to become a doctor. This also goes for folks who dislike wood or stone (they won't train as builders), and folks who dislike carrots, turnips, fish, or swimming (they won't become farmers). 2351a5e196

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