The HP-35 Scientific Calculator, so called because it had 35 keys, was introduced in 1972. It was the world's first handheld scientific calculator. In one of the most amazing displacements in the history of technology, the HP-35 Scientific Calculator electronic calculator, and others like it, quickly replaced the faithful slide rule that had been used by generations of engineers and scientists for rapid calculation and simple computation. The HP 35 was HP's first product that contained both integrated circuits and LEDs (light-emitting diodes). Both technologies had been developed in HP Labs. Bill Hewlett, who, in 1968, had challenged HP engineers to make a desktop-size computer (the 9100A), challenged them again in 1971 to take that desktop computer and make it small enough to fit into his shirt pocket. When the tiny powerhouse reached the prototype stage, HP asked a local market research firm to do a market study. They did and determined that the HP-35 Scientific Calculator would never sell because it was too expensive. Bill said "We're going to go ahead anyway." The product was so popular that HP couldn't make them fast enough. Bill remembered, "We figured, in the first year, if we could sell 10,000 calculators, we'd break even. We sold 100,000." By the time the HP-35 Scientific Calculator was discontinued in 1975, just three and one-half years after its introduction, more than 300,000 had been sold. Additional information:  Read an article about the HP-35 Scientific Calculator originally published on HPNOW, an internal HP web site.

  Read the Hewlett-Packard Journal's June 1972 article, "The 'Powerful Pocketful': an Electronic Calculator Challenges the Slide Rule." (PDF, 2.5MB) 

 Read the Hewlett-Packard Journal's June 1972 sidebar, "Reverse Polish Notation." (PDF, 180KB) 

 Read the Hewlett-Packard Journal's June 1972 article, "Algorithms and Accuracy in the HP-35 Scientific Calculator." (PDF, 584KB) 

 Read the Hewlett-Packard Journal's June 1972 article, "Packaging the Pocket Calculator." (PDF, 629KB)  

  Permission to copy without fee all or part of this publication is hereby granted provided that 1) the copies are not made, used, displayed, or distributed for commercial advantage; 2) the Hewlett-Packard Company copyright notice and the title of the publication and date appear on the copies; and 3) a notice appears stating that the copying is by permission of the Hewlett-Packard Company.

I want to make a virtual scientific calculator with all the functionalities and apps of a normal scientific calculator like a Ti-83 for example. For those of you who ever attempted to make one of these or who feel like you can answer my question, how hard was it?

Virtual Scientific Calculator Download


A marketing study done in early 1971 warned HP that there was a small market for a pocket-sized calculator with scientific and mathematical functionality—it also recommended that the new calculator be the size of a typewriter or adding machine. But Bill Hewlett was convinced that engineers would prefer a calculator that would fit into a shirt pocket. Bill was right.

Earlier calculators were nicknamed "four-bangers" since they handled only four functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The HP-35 Scientific Calculator not only performed complex scientific and mathematical functions, but it was also the first calculator to use "Reverse Polish Notation" for programming efficiency.

Successors to the HP-35 Scientific Calculator include the world's first pocket-sized business calculator (HP-80 in 1973); the first fully programmable handheld calculator (HP-65 in 1974); the first handheld with continuous memory (HP-25C in 1976); and the first calculator that displayed both numbers and letters (HP 41-C in 1979).

Dave Hicks, an Oregon-based engineer for the Intel Corporation is such an HP calculator fan, he owns every HP calculator model ever made. His enthusiasm for HP calculators has inspired him to create an online "museum" for HP calculators.

In addition to detailed information about HP calculators, the site has historical information about calculating machines and slide rules, FAQs, classified ads and information on resources of interest to calculator owners.

HP continues to be first to market with innovative calculator products that allow increasingly greater speed, accuracy and complexity in problem-solving ability, leading the way in calculators for business, finance, science and graphics.

With a full range of functions, including trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions, as well as the ability to work with complex numbers, our calculator can handle even the most complex calculations.

The original calculator was invented in the 17th century by a Frenchman called Blaise Pascal! He was just 18 years old, and wanted to help his father do his tax calculations. Join us on the fascinating history of the calculator!

Also the gcd function is accessible from the virtual calculator keyboard. (Note to self: the keyboard is getting a bit too crowded. Maybe some future functions could be implemented but not be part of the keyboard and made accessible by some sort of menu. Any comment appreciated).

This scientific calculator, which we make available online free of charge, in addition to performing the so-called "normal" operations, also has the particular advantage of providing a wide range of various other operations, such as: solving first and second degree equations, converting several units of measure, perform operations with percentages, work with complex numbers, automatically calculate integrals, etc. Much more than a simple scientific calculator, this small online calculator allows operations to be introduced using conventional mathematical notation. In this way, the perception of the operation to be calculated is facilitated and the possibility of introducing unwanted errors is reduced.

To be honest, some of us barely have enough time to build a pyramid or towering 8-bit video game character in Minecraft much less a gigantic, functional machine that can be used here in the real world. Yet it's amazing to see these massive projects show up in video demonstrations where players build virtual machines brick by brick, especially from those who can't even legally vote.

Case in point: 16-year-old "MaxSGB" has created a working scientific/graphic calculator inside Minecraft. On a virtual scale, the functional device is enormous -- enough so that anyone in the real world would become a red blot of meat and bone staining the road if they fell from the very top. Honestly, his virtual machine looks more like a giant cargo ship ripped from a sci-fi movie than a working calculator. Yet type your problem out on the keypad, and the answer appears on a large white display mounted on the side of the monstrous brick structure. No spaceship can do that... can it?

The stored number, the display, all constant and pending operations and the key states remain in memory when you switch between the standard and scientific calculators and even if you turn the calculator 'off' by loosing focus of the app or hitting the 'Esc' key.

This is an online calculator which is designed to run directly in your browser, without the need to download software to your PC. Although downloading Calc98 gives you a much more powerful calculator, the online calculator is useful if you are not able or do not wish to download Calc98. The calculator uses Javascript, so you cannot run it if your browser has Javascript disabled, or in the unlikely case that your browser does not support Javascript.

A: For some users it is inconvenient or inappropriate to download an application.They may be using someone else's computer, using a "Cyber Cafe" or they may be forbidden to install software by company policy. In these cases you can still have some of the advantages of our calculator software by using the Javascript version. Other users may be unable to download our calculator softwarebecause their operating system or device does not support it. Examples are users of the Apple Macintoshor "thin client" devices such as WebTV. All of these support Javascript in their web browsers.

A: The Javascript calculator is actually quite small. This is partly because it is a limited implementation, but also because we have used a proprietary technology to compress the size of the Javascript application to a little over half its size. The size of the page containing the calculator is fairly average even for a static web page.

A: The Javascript calculator will never be able to support all of the features of Calc98. At present, only a very small proportion of the capabilities of Calc98 are available in this Javascript calculator.If you need a full powered calculator, and if you have a PC, you are probably better off downloading Calc98.

A: Yes, you can download a copy of the Javascript by right clicking on this link and selecting "Save as", and then putting a copy of the file on your web hosting server. Then copy the following javascript code and paste it into the web page where you want visitors to be able to run the calculator:<script language="javascript">var calc;function popupcalc(form, input){// check the IE versionif(navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var index = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE"); var version = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(index + 5, index + 8)); // work around window focus on IE5 by closing and reopening the calc window if(6 > version) { if(calc) calc.close(); } }var url = "jcalc98.html?bgcolor=";url += "408080"; // set background colour here - (named colour or RGB omitting '#')if(form) { url += "&form=" + form; }if(input) { url += "&input=" + input; }calc = open(url, "calculator", "width=250,height=345");calc.focus();}</script>The purpose of the Javascript code is to ensure that the user gets a browser window that looks somewhat like a calculator, and to prevent multiple calculator windows popping up if they click the link more than once.The code is moderately complicated in order for it to work on the vast majority of browsers in use today. If you want to change the background colour of the calculator you can do it by replacing the line defining the colour with the following (for example):url += "green"; // set background colour here - (named colour or RGB omitting '#') ff782bc1db

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