The perfect cast

Fly casters around the world! Join us and compete in Fly Casting!

In these troubling times of global Pandemic, coming together for bigger fly casting events is not an option. Because of this, and in an attempt to keep up our motivation for training the Swedish Casting Federation has started an initiative to hold competition events over distance. We are aware that for casters in countries in lock-down, participation is not possible. Our thoughts go out to all of you, and we hope that you will soon be allowed outdoors for both fly fishing and fly casting activities. And when you do, you are very much welcome to participate!

How it works

Starting from the 27th of April 2020 we will arrange 5 competitions. Each competition will run over the course of 2 weeks, and you can report as many results as you like, as long as you adhere to some simple rules. The idea behind running a competition over 2 weeks is to give everyone a fair chance to cast in good conditions.

Every result needs to be achieved during a timed round, in accordance to the International Competition rules. So a 4 minute round for Trout Distance and Seatrout Distance, a 5 minute round for Salmon Distance and Trout Accuracy and a 6 minute round for 15 Spey and 16/18 Spey.

The International rules regarding equipment for each event also applies, and in an attempt to make it easier for everyone, we allow results to be achieved on land or water for Trout Distance, Trout Accuracy, Seatrout Distance and Salmon Distance. Spey events, by their nature, must be executed on water.

Every result must be witnessed by one more person, and please keep in mind that for this to work, we all need to be honest and truthful of the results we achieve.

Let's come together in good fun and sportsmanship to help us all get through these troubling times!

Join our group on Facebook, if you like to share videos or discuss results or if you have any questions.

Links to report your results

Use the links below to report your results in the different events, the date you report your result decides which competition it applies to:

You can follow the results reported from around the world via the top navigation menu for each event.

Events and dates: