Anyone use virtual mixers and also use Win 10 for their stream? I'm talking about using Voice Meeter type stuff along with maybe CheVolume or Audio Router or some other program to route your audio onto some virtual cables. Often this is unneeded but when you have it all working well it is quite a wonderful experience having all your audio work so perfectly together.

The issue is that as far as I can find nothing works well on Win 10 for audio routing. Virtual cables and the virtual mixers work well but Windows doesn't have any quality audio controls, it's only a one way or another deal, and everything seem to conflict and have issues. Does anyone have any set up that they've found has worked?

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What I want to do is create another audio device within Windows and redirect (pipe) ONLY the audio input from that game and not the input reveived from Skype. I would then tell XFire to use that newly created "virtual" audio device to broadcast and therefore my partners won't hear themselves back.

The issue: when recording my mix, only the sound of 1 of the 2 channels is recorded, while on the mixer itself it is clear that both channels receive sound. The multichannel recording option in VDJ should allow to record the sound of all channels at once, but it is not the case.

With VSL, controlling StudioLive levels; mutes and solos; Fat Channel processing; effects; and graphic EQ is as easy as drag-and-drop! Load Fat Channel settings by simply dragging them onto the channel or mixer overview, either as a complete channel strip, or as individual gate, compressor, and EQ presets. Or apply a new scene to the whole mixer by dragging it onto VSL's virtual mixing surface from a browser list that you can show or hide. Save virtually unlimited scenes and settings and name them and rearrange them in the browser. You can even drag presets out of the browser and share them with other StudioLive owners.

Your question lacked an important detail: are you using multiple monitors and wanting to have a full-screen mixer on a different monitor from the Edit/Arranger window? If that's what you're asking, you can certainly do that. This is the way I always work in S1. As in the pic in jasonwilmans' answer below, click the 'Detach' button. This makes the mixer a separate window. You can then drag it to your second monitor and maximize it. If you create a template with that arrangement, it would effectively be the default, at least for any song you base on that template. You could also maximize it on the one screen if you only have one, but you'll be switching between them a lot.

This is a very good request and the issue is the same on Windows 10 as well. Most commenters here don't realize that the detached mixer window is not actually a "window" in the operating system sense. The whole Studio One is just one window as far as the OS is concerned. My workflow in Reason was/is to place the sequencer and mixer on separate virtual desktops so I can quickly switch between them on a keyboard (ctrl+win+left/right on Windows, ctrl+left/right on a Mac). Here's how it works with Reason (and as I understand from OP in Logic as well). You can't do this in S1 at the moment which is a shame.

You may be a musician who wants to record their music, or just a person wanting to develop his custom ringtone. In either case, a physical or virtual audio mixer is required, whether it be analog or a dedicated audio mixer software.

It is one of the top-notch software used for sound mixer and editing purposes. It supports pitch shifting, time stretching and multi-track recording, 80 plugins, VST standards, delay compensation, etc.

An audio mixer is used for several significant purposes. It is known with several names. Whether a mixing desk, soundboard, mixing board, audio mixer, or mixing console, all have a coherent purpose. The sole purpose of an audio mixer is to manage either the live or recorded event.

Before starting off with the audio mixing activity itself, one must be able to determine which audio mixer software is best for them with respect to their availability of resources or usability. Here are some of the factors to consider while opting for an audio mixer software:

It is necessary to know at least somewhat about the fundamental terminologies to decipher the specifications and features of an audio mixer. Here you'll get to know what it takes to be able to distinguish among different audio mixers and their respective software.

It is a signal path. Channels are made to accept microphones, preamps, amplifiers, and signal processors. A mixer with several channels integrated with it allows several things to be integrated and routed through it.

It is the jack where any external instrument, like guitar, microphone etc., integrates with the mixer. The noise and interface are minimized to maximum extent by balancing the XLR inputs. A quarter-inch TRS connector or RCA are connected to other inputs.

Such a mixer is needed which is enough to handle the outputs needed to connect the mains, microphones, other devices that connect to it and monitor speakers. The devices that are a part of a recording process or signal chain must also be included while calculating I/O for studio mixers.

It can be understood as a circuit intersection where the outputs from different channels meet. The signal channels are routed to a specific bus or set of busses. The main mixer output to a recorder or a speaker by the master mix bus.

Several channels in a mixer often offer a group function that allows one to simultaneously process and control various channels. Its works are similar to that of sub-mixer that shares the coherent signal routing and processing and provides the ease in controlling master bus since a single fader is used to control all the channels.

In the early days, analog audio mixers were the only option available to perform sounding mixing. But the rise of the era of the 21st century brings more opportunities for easy and optimized audio mixing by sound mixer software.

This audio mixer software is easily available to do everything or even more than what a physical mixer could have done. Several sound mixer applications are available to start with basic sound mixing using your smartphones or even tablets.

For the sake of recording, software-based mixers allow easy integration with the virtual instruments, drum loops, samples, and several other additions in your productions. The use of advanced MIDI functions with a digital audio workstation (DAW) lets you enlighten with a whole new world of possibilities to elevate your sounds/music to the next level.

I should mention that the Behringer X32 digital mixer which has a built in usb interface works with Audacity also, just get the correct windows driver from Behringer and you will see 32 tracks open up when you hit record. I had one of these at work for service and tried it out on my work pc.

I have been using Audacity for a very long time on stereo tracks and would like to see if it is possible to can make it work multi-channel with my mixer.

It is a QSC touchmix Pro-30 mixer with Windows drivers on Windows 10.

Since I posted I tried VB Audio Hifi Cable and got it to act so the Windows mixer audio volume control has no effect, leading me to believe that VB Aufio Hifi Cable bypasses the Windows audio stack. Can you see if you still get DSD without Virtual Audio Cable?

2) When Virtual Audio Cable (KS) appeared at front of the chain as default audio device I observed better sound (better trebles, more air ...). I also found that setting sample rate in device properties had no effect on sound and I always got DSD128 no matter which sample rate was set. So I mean Windows mixer was completely bypassed from the path.

And when coupled with a virtual mixer, broadcasters have greater control. They can mix together their audio sources from one central place, just like they would on a physical mixing desk. But at a fraction of the cost.

After downloading a virtual audio cable, you'll need to create a multi-output device.

A multi-output device just ensures we can listen to our audio through headphones or speakers. Your virtual audio cable needs two outputs. One will be sent to your stream, and the other to listen via headphones or speakers.

In the righthand window, check the boxes for VB-Cable & external headphones or your computer's speakers. Also, ensure the master fader on each device is set to maximum.

If you want to send your audio to another output, you can check the relevant box too.

Now you need to change your Mac's sound settings, by going to System Preferences and selecting Sound. Change the input to your virtual audio cable (VB-Cable) and change your output to the "Multi-output device."

In the Recording tab, select your virtual audio cable again.

If you hit OK, your sound preferences will be saved. However, you won't be able to hear the audio your system is playing, as the audio is in a closed loop. As it is, this isn't suitable for Radio.

To overcome this issue, go back in to the Recording tab (4) of your audio devices window. 

Select your virtual cable again (5) and click properties (6).

Now, under the Listen tab (7), check the box "Listen to this device" (8) and Under the dropdown "Playback through this device." select your Speakers or Headphones (9).1.

The final step of this audio routing is to connect your virtual audio cable to your broadcasting software. 

In your broadcasting software like BUTT, go to the Audio tab. Under Audio Device, select your virtual cable (the same virtual cable you've set as your playback and recording device in your windows settings). 

This is where virtual audio mixers coming in. Virtual audio mixers give control over each of our audio sources and provide a central place for our audio routing. Virtual audio mixers simplify complicated audio routing. 2351a5e196

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