Virginia Beta Omicron

President 2022-24: Elizabeth Hutchins

Sisters, order our flags here.

 Choose to Shine 

2022 - 2024 

Our Vision: A world that values diversity, all people and quality education.

Program Highlights and Resources

Career Partners site shared by Roque Castro                               

Culpeper Library - Learning & Entertainment Resources 

SANGO-Kenya, Inc. on Facebook  

Chapter WU Program Susan's Trip   

Officer Initiation 2022-2024

Tech Tips!

Sisters are encouraged to contact the President-Elect if they need help with technology or access to documents. Our state website has technology videos for specific help sisters have requested and individual help is available.  Reach out for the assistance!

Here's a helpful

-  Video  and a document for switching between Google accounts.

Volunteering at the Sycamore Park Library's Book Fair are Barbara, Kathy, and Lynn.

Back in the library dedicated to former principal, Barbara White, sisters were able to assist the librarian as she received returned books and student shoppers from all grades early in the morning before classes started. We continue to support readers!


Contributions then and now, continue to go to Safe House  in 2024!

The items in the top photo were collected during our September meeting. Members were able to take things to the altruistic chairman or designee if they had any additional items before the end of the month.