This add-on directly integrates Solibri Model Checker and Archicad. The building model is transferred from Archicad to Solibri Model Checker with only one click. The exported models can be checked against several requirements in Solibri Model Checker. During analysis Solibri Model Checker automatically assigns severity classification to all design issues found. The identified design problems are directly sent back to Archicad for clarification and fixing. The work flow is smooth, easy and productive.

Rules are grouped in Solibri Model Checker into rule sets intended to be used for checking the model from a certain perspective. In the picture on the left a BIM validation rule set is used. The rule set analyses the model and determines what is the quality of the model: can the model be considered as a valid BIM model, and what design issues exist. Solibri Model Checker does the analysis automatically. During the analysis Solibri Model Checker also assigns automatically severity classification to all design issues found. Thus Solibri Model Checker automates the time consuming and tedious tasks in BIM quality assurance making the work flow, modeling and quality assurance more efficient omitting the human factor in quality control. In addition to BIM validation Solibri Model Checker comes with a set of out-of-the box rules sets for structural and MEP engineers. Rule sets can be used for egress and accessibility analysis and intersection checking just to name a few anasysis Solibri Model Checker is capable of.

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The design issues can know be fixed very easily by removing the extra wall component with a right click in Archicad. The work flow is extremely smooth, easy and productive. Naturally BIM validation is only one of tens of quality checks Solibri Model Checker is able to perform. With Solibri Model Checker building information models can be checked for accessibility, egress routes can be analyzed, and even rules can be created for analyzing models by different design disciplines against company specific or national BIM requirements. Solibri Model Checker has rule sets for analyzing architectural, structural and MEP models as well BIM validation. In addition many companies use Solibri Model Checker to create and maintain their own rule sets. BIM, design team collaboration and quality assurance made easy.

A relatively new tool at that time, Solibri Model Checker (SMC) has since expanded its repertoire to include a much wider range of capabilities in addition to model-checking, including multi-disciplinary coordination, clash detection, model comparison, quantity take-off, and issue management. The argument for an application like this was so compelling that SMC was acquired by the publicly traded Nemetschek Group in 2015 and added to its growing portfolio of leading AEC technology applications including Allplan, ARCHICAD, Vectorworks, Scia, Bluebeam, and dRofus, all of which communicate and work together through the IFC. Since SMC was developed to work with the IFC format from the start, it fits right in with the OpenBIM philosophy of the Nemetschek Group.

It has been over six years since I last reviewed SMC, and while model-checking is still the raison d'tre of the application, it has so many enhancements to its interface and functionality that this review takes a step back and looks at it from scratch to see how it works.

When an IFC file is first opened in SMC, the application asks you to confirm the discipline the model belongs to. This is important for the rules to work correctly when checking the model later. In the case of the models shown in Figure 1, they were correctly identified when first imported.

Once the models are in SMC, they can be explored with an extensive set of navigation tools to better understand how the different components of the building come together, and visually inspect the design to spot any coordination problems even prior to getting into the model-checking process. There are the usual Zoom, Pan, Spin, and Walk tools; a Game mode that allows you to walk inside the building using typical gaming controls; and a Sectioning tool to explore the interior of a model. The Model Tree can be viewed in three different ways: by containment, by object types, or by layers. Double-clicking on any element or category of elements automatically zooms the view to the selection. The visibility of entire models, levels, or specific elements can be turned off or set to transparent, making it easier to explore different parts of the model in context with other elements (Figure 2). Detailed information about a selected element is displayed in the Info palette, and as shown in Figure 2, the selected beam from the imported Revit model maintains the properties assigned to it in Revit.

Additional model-related capabilities include the ability to add markups, measure distances, and import drawings that can be overlaid with the models for easy comparison (Figure 3). Also, while the IFC file format is the main entry point to SMC, it does have direct integration with ARCHICAD through a custom link which allows an ARCHICAD model to be directly exported to SMC for design checking (Figure 4). If any faults are detected in SMC, the corresponding elements can be highlighted in ARCHICAD where the necessary corrections can be made.

Back in the model, you can select the rulesets you would like to use to check the model. For example, Figure 7 shows the Getting Started ruleset being activated to check the model. After the checking process is completed, you can drill down to the results for each rule to find out whether it passed or failed, and with what level of severity as indicated by the various icons. All the individual results for a rule are listed in the Results window, and clicking on a result automatically zooms in to the related element in the graphics window, enabling the results to be more closely inspected. The results can also be exported to a report in PDF or Excel format.

The presentation can be saved as a report in a format such as PDF or Excel to share with other team members. It can also be exported in the open BCF format (BIM Collaboration Format) that is supported by many BIM authoring and analysis applications. With Solibri's BCF Connector, issues can be synchronized to issue management platforms such as BIMcollab for exchanging IFC models annotated with comments, markups, etc., for collaboration. Based on the issues identified in SMC, the necessary fixes can be made in the original authoring applications of the individual models and they can be updated in SMC with the newer versions. Decisions, snapshots, and comments stay unchanged for those parts that have not been affected by the update. It is also possible to color-code the changes to see them more clearly using a dedicated Model Revisions Comparison ruleset, as shown in Figure 10.

There are several sample Information Takeoff definitions that are delivered with the application, and additional ones can be created, if required. Just as with any other custom creations such as rulesets, these custom definitions can be shared with other project team members or used on other BIM models to ensure consistency.

The global reach of SMC is also highlighted by additional implementations such as its use on the largest development project in Finland to date called Tripla (Figure 15). This is located three kilometers from downtown Helsinki and includes apartments, offices, hotel, the biggest shopping center in Finland, a public transport terminal, pedestrian and bicycle paths, parks and squares, and underground parking space. Currently under construction, it is expected to be completed by 2021. More than 20 parties are involved in designing this project, and all the designers are modeling with BIM, which means that several design phases were done in parallel and the size of the BIM models are enormous. IFC files that are produced from all design disciplines are brought together in SMC regularly, allowing a merged BIM model to be created from, in this case, 72 separate BIM models and 300, 000 objects. In addition to model aggregation, SMC is also being used for information management, quantity takeoff, export to scheduling applications, and 4D visualizations (Figure 16).

Lachmi Khemlani is founder and editor of AECbytes. She has a Ph.D. in Architecture from UC Berkeley, specializing in intelligent building modeling, and consults and writes on AEC technology. She can be reached at

Just as the spell checker revolutionised word processing, Model Checker from Finnish software developer Solibri is looking to do the same for Building Information Modelling. Its automated quality assurance toolkit can validate the model against all types of checks. Thus giving project participants the confidence to put their trust in a shared BIM dataset.

The software played a key role in the recent IFC/COBie Validation Trial organised by the OPENBIM Network. This was designed to test if the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format could be used successfully by Tier 1 contractors to exchange model data and therefore also create COBie (Construction Operations Building information exchange) datasets. Following on from the success of the preliminary part of the trial, Solibri set up a UK office in October 2012.

A lead consultant may use it to federate and co-ordinate models from individual consultants, to check for clashes or missing components and to ensure each model conforms to the BIM protocols set up for the project.

Solibri Model Checker does not accept native BIM data from applications like Revit, ArchiCAD or VectorWorks. Instead it has been developed to work with Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs), which is a comprehensive schema for the transfer of model data and the closest thing the AEC industry has to a standard interoperability format.

IFCs can be exported from virtually every BIM authoring tool, though the quality of data can vary greatly. Each software vendor interprets the IFC standards slightly differently with a wide variance in the level of control over what is being exported and how components are mapped to the relevant IFC category. Some BIM applications cannot successfully recreate a model from an IFC file that they saved out! The net result of this is that IFC output really needs to be audited for content and compliance. be457b7860

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