ViMi 3Third Virtual Micromorphology Meeting

March 31 and April 1, 2022

Hosted by Sarah Lo Russo, Yannick Devos, Luc Vrydaghs and Barbora Wouters

from MARI at VUB, Brussels, Belgium and IPAS at University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
(with the support of Urban.Brussels)

After the smashing successes of the 1st ViMi hosted by Christine Pümpin, Dagmar Fritzsch and Astrid Röpke on April 23 2021 and the 2nd ViMi hosted by Carolina Mallol and Natalia Égüez, we continue with this initiative to gather micromorphologists from around the world for a few hours of virtual micromorphology. By creating this homepage and a code of conduct Carolina Mallol and Natalia Égüez contributed immensly in the continuation of this enspiring online event.

Also this 3rd ViMi meeting will enable participants to show their microphotographs, get feedback from experts, discuss features, or simply learn and enjoy. Further highlights are the virtual microscope rooms in which we will navigate thin sections together.

Please use this website to register and keep up to date with news and information about this event.

For any questions, feel free to email us: