4001—Operations Generally
4002—Custodial Services
4002.01. Provision of Custodial Services
(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Department of Public Service to provide all custodial services in all Village buildings and the grounds thereof pursuant to the provisions of Rule 4002.03 of the Administrative Rules.
4002.02. Proper Care of Government Offices and Departments
(1) Village officials and employees shall ensure their respective assigned offices and workspaces are maintained in a clean and orderly manner. Wastebaskets, if containing discarded food or perishable items, shall be emptied upon the conclusion of each business day.
4002.03. General Custodial Maintenance
(1) The Village Street Commissioner shall develop, prepare and implement, with the approval of the Mayor, the custodial services plan for the James Vennari Memorial Park, Rutland Civic Center, and Sammy Robinson Field subject to the provisions of this Rule, and may delegate assignments and tasks to the assistants and laborers of the Department of Public Service to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Rule.
(2) The Department of Public Service, pursuant to the custodial maintenance plan as provided for pursuant to division (1) of this Rule, shall regularly:
(a) Clean and disinfect all door handles, countertops, office desks and other furniture and other commonly touched surfaces.
(b) Clean and disinfect the surfaces of toilets, urinals and washbasins.
(c) Remove dust and dust particles from ceilings, windows, walls, flooring and furniture.
(d) Vacuum and dust-mop flooring.
(e) Wet-mop laminate, hardwood or tile flooring.
(f) Burnish hardwood and tile flooring.
(g) Not more than once annually, strip and wax tile flooring.
(h) Not more than once every six months, and as needed, clean exterior and interior windows.
(i) Perform all other custodial service duties necessary for the order, cleanliness, proper and sanitary condition of Village buildings.
4002.04. Custodial Chemicals and Supplies
(1) The Department of Public Service shall keep on file in the custodial room a material safety data set (MSDS) for each custodial chemical utilized in the provision of custodial services. A duplicate of such MSDS shall be maintained in a record made available for public access immediately outside the custodial room.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (3) of this Rule, all custodial chemicals and supplies shall be secured in the custodial room except when utilized by the Facilities Custodian for the provision of custodial services.
(3) In the event of a spill or other accident requiring cleaning, the following custodial supplies shall be kept and made available for public use:
(a) One broom and dust pan.
(b) One dust-mop.
(c) One wet-mop.
(d) One mop water bucket containing only fresh water.
(4) The Mayor shall prescribe the uniform custodial chemicals to be utilized by the Department of Public Service.
4003—Displays and Monuments
4003.01. Displays
(1) Subject to division (2) through (4) of this Rule, commemorative and decorative displays shall be permissible upon Village buildings and grounds.
(2) Commemorative and decorative displays shall be secular in nature and shall not allude, promote or express support or opposition to any ideological, political or religious affiliation, candidate, question, theory, person or organization, Provided: This division shall not apply to any private person or organization utilizing Village buildings and grounds for the exercise of freedom of speech, or when utilizing Village buildings and grounds for a special or temporary activity, event or program.
(3) Commemorative and decorative displays shall be temporary or seasonal unless permanent placement is approved by the Mayor.
(4) Commemorative and decorative displays shall be proper and reasonable, appealing to a reasonably prudent person and shall not interfere with or preclude ingress or egress, intersections, parking areas or walkways.
4003.02. Monuments
(1) The construction or installation of monuments on Village buildings and grounds shall be subject to approval of the Village Council by resolution of the same.
(2) Monuments shall be secular in nature and shall not allude, promote or express support or opposition to any ideological, political or religious affiliation, candidate, question, theory, person or organization.
(3) Monuments should be constructed or installed to serve as permanent fixtures in the community.
(4) Monuments shall be proper and reasonable, appealing to a reasonably prudent person and shall not interfere with or preclude ingress or egress, intersections, parking areas or walkways.
4004—Fire Safety
4004.01. Compliance with Ohio Fire Code
(1) The Rutland Civic Center, while originally constructed in 1955, will remain compliant with the applicable provisions of the Ohio Fire Code when improvements or renovations are made which may alter the fire safety apparatuses, components and function of the building.
4004.02. Safety Egress
(1) The Rutland Civic Center shall have, at all times, sufficient ingress and egress for occupants. In this regard, entrance and exit doors and corridors thereto shall be free from obstructions. Storage of items in corridors shall be prohibited in areas when such storage would result in width of less than four feet.
4004.03. Emergency Exit Signage and Egress Lighting
(1) Each corridor of the Rutland Civic Center shall, at all times, have illuminated and clearly visualized emergency exit signs, which shall remain illuminated in the event of power failure in accordance with the Ohio Fire Code.
(2) Each corridor and common area of the Rutland Civic Center shall have egress lighting, which shall remain illuminated in the event of power failure in accordance with the Ohio Fire Code.
4004.04. Fire Extinguishing Apparatuses
(1) The Rutland Civic Center shall have available for use the following:
(a) Two class A fire extinguishers in the main lobby.
(b) One class A fire extinguisher in the north-south corridor, east-west corridor and gymnasium stage.
(c) One class B fire extinguisher in the maintenance garage.
(d) One class C fire extinguisher in each electrical-mechanical room.
(e) One class K fire extinguisher in the concessions room.
(2) Fire extinguishers required pursuant to this Rule shall be inspected by the Village Street Commissioner not less than once monthly, such inspection certified upon the inspection card attached to the fire extinguisher.
4005—Flags and Banners
4005.01. Display of Flags; Those Authorized
(1) The following flags shall be expressly authorized for display upon Village buildings and grounds:
(a) United States flag.
(b) State of Ohio flag.
(c) County of Meigs flag.
(d) Village of Rutland flag.
(e) Any flag of the United States Armed Forces.
(2) The United States flag shall be, at all times, displayed at the Rutland Civic Center-Village Hall and shall be, at all hours of night, illuminated.
(3) The United States flag displayed at the Rutland Civic Center-Village Hall shall be replaced annually and at any time the same becomes damaged, defaced or faded. The United States flag displayed upon Village buildings and grounds other than the Rutland Civic Center-Village Hall shall be replaced only when the same becomes damaged, defaced or faded.
(4) The United States flag displayed upon any Village building or ground shall be forthwith lowered to half staff upon order of the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Ohio and shall remain lowered to half staff until such order is expired.
(5) No other flag shall be authorized for display upon Village buildings and grounds except those authorized pursuant to division (1) of this Rule.
4005.02. Disposal of Retired Flags
(1) The United States flag, when retired from display upon a Village building or ground, shall be promptly transferred to The American Legion or The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
(2) No United States flag retired from display upon a Village building or ground shall be discarded via solid waste containers.
4006—Leasing of Village Property
4006.01. Leasing of Mitigated Properties
(1) Properties acquired by the Village of Rutland through the Village of Rutland Mitigation Project, referred herein this Rule as “mitigated property(ies)”, declared January 27, 1996 and funded via the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, may be leased in accordance with the provisions of this Rule.
(2) The Mayor may, without consent of the Village Council, lease for incremental periods not to exceed five years a mitigated property to the owner of any property contiguous to the mitigated property for an annual sum of one dollar and 0/100.
(3) The lessee of a mitigated property shall, for the duration of the lease thereof, be subject to and comply with the following provisions:
(a) The lessee shall keep the mitigated property in good maintenance and ensure the mitigated property is omitted of grass exceeding twelve inches, noxious weeds, litter and other junk or material which may be in violation of the municipal ordinances of the Village of Rutland.
(b) The lessee shall not construct any structure, or complete any concrete work, or complete any dredging, excavation or fill work upon the mitigated property unless the construction of such structure, or the completion of such concrete work, is approved by resolution of the Village Council and the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator, or his or her designee.
(c) Any lease entered into between the Village of Rutland and a lessor in accordance with this Rule shall be executed in accordance with applicable law and filed in the Office of the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer.
(4) Any lease of a mitigated property which exceeds five years, or which may be entered into with any person other than a person authorized pursuant to section (2) of this Rule shall be subject to approval of the Village Council.
4006.02. Leasing of Other Village Properties
4007—Maintenance of Facilities and Grounds
4007.01. Groundskeeping
(1) The Village Street Commissioner shall develop, prepare and implement, under the direction of the Mayor, the groundskeeping plan for the James Vennari Memorial Park, Rutland Civic Center, and Sammy Robinson Field subject to the provisions of this Rule, and may delegate assignments and tasks to the assistants and laborers of the Department of Public Service to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Rule.
(2) The grounds of James Vennari Memorial Park and Rutland Civic Center shall be kept mowed not less than once every ten calendar days from the first day of April to the first day of November, annually.
(3) The grounds of Sammy Robinson Field shall be kept mowed not less than once every ten calendar days from the first day of April to the first day of November, annually.
(4) The banks of Little Leading Creek contiguous to the grounds of James Vennari Park and Sammy Robinson Field shall be kept mowed not less than once every thirty calendar days from the first day of April to the first day of November, annually.
(5) Sidewalks shall be kept omitted of grass clippings, dirt and other debris.
(6) Flower arrangements and beds shall be kept omitted of weeds.
(7) Drainage systems shall be regularly inspected and kept omitted of any obstructions or occlusions.
4007.02. Building Maintenance
(1) The Village Street Commissioner shall develop, prepare and implement, under the direction of the Mayor, the maintenance plan of all electrical, mechanical and plumbing facilities for the James Vennari Memorial Park, Rutland Civic Center, and Sammy Robinson Field subject to the provisions of this Rule, and may delegate assignments and tasks to the personnel of the Department of Public Service to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Rule.
4008—Occupant Safety
4008.01. Electrical
(1) Village buildings and facilities shall be kept free of electrical hazards in order to reduce the risk of injury experienced by occupants of the building. In such regard, the following standards shall be applied:
(a) Electrical receptacles shall be upright and shall have proper cover plates.
(b) Electrical receptacles shall be designated as ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) receptacles if placed immediately under toilets, washbasins, water fountains and other areas where water may come in contact with the receptacle.
(c) Only one power strip shall be authorized per electrical receptacle. Power strips shall be surge protected and shall only be utilized for office computers, fax machines, and telephones. It shall be strictly prohibited the use of power strips for appliances, cooking equipment, heating or cooling equipment, and power tools.
(d) Electrical cords shall be coated and covered when crossing corridors or areas where visitor walking will occur.
(e) Light bulbs shall be protected with proper coverings or globes.
4008.02. Mechanical; Air Quality
(1) Village buildings and facilities shall be kept free of mechanical hazards in order to reduce the risk of injury experienced by occupants of the building. In such regard, the following standards shall be applied:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (3) of this Rule, all air and furnace units in Village buildings shall each have, at all times, proper filtering. Filters shall have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) rating of eight to ten.
(b) The secondary air handler at Rutland Civic Center need not require filtering. As used in this division, the secondary air handler means the air handler located in the ground floor mechanical room of the Rutland Civic Center and which circulates external air throughout the building.
(c) Air and furnace filters in Village buildings shall be replaced once every quarter, or three months, of each calendar year.
(d) Air ducts shall be maintained clear of dust and other obstructive particles.
(e) Air and furnace units shall be inspected, cleaned, and serviced at least once each calendar year.
4008.03. Plumbing and Sanitation
(1) Sanitary sewer facilities shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition. If a sanitary sewer facility requires maintenance or servicing, a work order for the same shall be filed with the Department of Public Service, and which shall be completed promptly thereby. As used in this Rule, sanitary sewer facilities include toilets, urinals and washbasins.
(2) Plumbing to sanitary sewer facilities shall be kept clear of any particles or obstructions. To ensure plumbing to sanitary sewer facilities can be kept clear of any particles or obstructions, it shall be prohibited to utilize sanitary sewer facilities to discard or flush cooking grease, feminine hygiene products, oil-based paints, or any other product not suitable for flushing via sanitary sewer facilities.
4008.04. Corridors and Walkways
(1) Sidewalks shall be free of cracks, other than expansion joints, when the crack separates concrete and creates a tripping hazard.
(2) External electrical and power cords utilized for an activity or event shall be covered with a proper barrier if crossing a sidewalk or other walkway.
(3) Corridors, entrances and exits shall be free from obstructions; and at all times, a width of at least four feet shall be maintained for ingress and egress.
(4) Wet floor signs will be posted in areas where floors are wet.
4008.05. Parks and Playgrounds
(1) Playground equipment shall be inspected once monthly and defective equipment shall be promptly repaired. The Mayor shall order closed any and all playground areas with defective equipment until the equipment is properly repaired.
(2) Each municipal park and playground shall have posted the regulations set forth pursuant to Chapter 172 of the Rutland Municipal Code.
(3) Each municipal park and playground shall be maintained in a clean, orderly and presentable condition.
4009—Public Use of Village Facilities
4009.01. Application
(1) Any person or organization may apply for the rental of a Village building or facility by filing a proper application with the Mayor, or his or her designee, and executing a Village facility rental agreement.
(2) The Mayor, or his or her designee, shall maintain a proper record upon which all scheduled building or facility rentals will be posted. Such proper record shall be utilized to ascertain availability of the building or facility for rental.
4009.02. Rates
(1) Upon application made for rental of a Village building or facility, the rates hereunder shall be applied. Receipts of payment for such rates shall be deposited in the Village treasury and posted to the appropriate Village fund.
(a) For the purpose of rental of the Rutland Civic Center by a Village resident, or business or non-profit organization having a principal place of business within the corporation limits of the Village of Rutland, or a youth sports team participating in an organized youth sports league, or an organized athletic conference of a private school or public school, a fee in the amount of $10.00 per hour, or $75.00 per twenty-four hours shall be assessed.
(b) For the purpose of rental of the Rutland Civic Center by a person who is not a Village resident, or by a business or non-profit organization not having a principal place of business within the corporation limits of the Village of Rutland, a fee in the amount of $20.00 per hour, or $150.00 per twenty-four hours shall be assessed.
(2) For the purpose of making a reservation of the shelter house at James Vennari Memorial Park for the purpose of conducting a rummage sale, a fee in the amount of $50.00 shall be assessed, and the usage of the same shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 172 of the Rutland Municipal Code.
(3) Any person or organization may request a waiver of the rates provided pursuant to this Rule, such waiver subject to approval of the Mayor.
4009.03. Village Facility Rental Agreement
(1) When any person, business or non-profit organization makes an application for the rental of a Village building or facility, and such application is approved, he or she shall complete and sign a Village Facility Rental Agreement, which shall be prescribed by the Mayor and filed in the Office of the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer.
4009.04. Security Deposit
(1) A security deposit in the sum of $50.00 shall be remitted at the time application is made pursuant to Rule 4009.01, except this deposit may be waived by approval of the Mayor. Upon conclusion of the rental period, the Director of Parks and Recreation, or other proper official delegated by the Mayor, shall inspect the facility and grounds and complete a Post Rental Inspection Report, prescribed by the Mayor. Upon conclusion of such inspection, the Director, or such other proper official, shall certify upon the Post Rental Inspection Report that the following standards have been met:
(a) Wastebaskets in all common areas, including restrooms, have been emptied and liners have been replaced.
(b) Garbage has been removed from the common areas of the building or facility and transported to the appropriate dumpster or garbage receptacle.
(c) Tables and chairs have been neatly returned to their assigned racks.
(d) Floors are free of an accumulation of dirt, spills and other refuse items.
(e) If applicable, lighting is switched off where required.
(2) If one or more of the standards set forth in division (1)(a) through (1)(e) of this Rule are not certified as met by the Director, or such other proper official, the security deposit remitted pursuant to division (1) of this Rule shall be forfeited to the appropriate Village fund. If all such standards are met, the security deposit shall be refunded by the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer not more than three business days following the last date of the rental period. If the security deposit is not claimed within three business days following the last date of the rental period, the security deposit shall be considered forfeited by the renting party to the appropriate Village fund as a contribution.
4009.05. Waiver and Release of Responsibility
(1) Before the rental of a Village building or facility is approved, the renting party shall acknowledge and agree, in writing, to the following terms and conditions:
(a) Rental or lease of a building or facility owned by the Village of Rutland is a privilege and can be revoked, for both the renting party and the organization represented by the renting party, at any time should the renting party breach the any of the provisions set forth in Article 4009 of the Administrative Rules of the Village of Rutland, or if the renting party is in violation of any ordinance, resolution or administrative rule of the Village of Rutland. The Village of Rutland, either by the Mayor, or the Village Council thereof, reserves the right to deny any future rentals or leases of any Village building or facility by the renting party or the organization represented by the renting party for a breach of any of the provisions set forth in Article 4009 of the Administrative Rules of the Village of Rutland, or if the renting party is in violation of any ordinance, resolution or administrative rule of the Village of Rutland.
(b) The Village building or facility rented or leased will be utilized in accordance with the ordinances, resolutions and rules of the Village of Rutland; and upon conclusion of the rental or lease, the Village building or facility and its grounds will meet the standards set forth in division (1)(a) through (1)(e) of Rule 4009.04.
(c) The security deposit remitted in accordance with division (1) of Rule 4009.04 will be refunded to the renting party or the organization represented by the renting party if the Village building or facility utilized by the same is found, upon inspection at the conclusion of the activity or event held therein, to meet the standards set forth in division (1)(a) through (1)(e) of Rule 4009.04. The renting party acknowledges and understands that failure to collect the refunded security deposit in person within three business days of issuance of such refund will result in forfeiture of the refund to the appropriate Village fund.
(d) If damages are noted upon inspection at the conclusion of the rental, the Village of Rutland shall withhold from refund the security deposit remitted in accordance with section (1) of Rule 4009.04 and expend the same as payment for repairs of such damages, and or if necessary, for custodial fees assessed to clean the building. Any additional costs associated with repairs to damages noted, or to return the building in a clean, sanitary and orderly manner, the Village of Rutland may enumerate all charges therefore and prepare and submit an invoice payable by the renting party, by whom such invoice shall be paid not more than thirty days from the date of invoice.
(e) The Village of Rutland may withhold refund of the deposit remitted in accordance with section (1) of Rule 4009.04 if the renting party is found to be in violation of Rule 4009.06.
(f) The renting party shall release the Village of Rutland, and all of its elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers from responsibility should an accident or injury occur in the Village building or facility which is rented by the renting party, or on or near its grounds. For the purpose of these terms and conditions, grounds include the Village building or facility, its surrounding lawns, sidewalks and parking areas extending to the property boundaries.
(2) The acknowledgement and agreement required by this Rule shall be on file in the Mayor’s Office or an appropriate department designated by the Mayor.
4009.06. Standards of Conduct
(1) The following rules of conduct shall apply during all usage and rentals of any Village building or facility, and shall be subject to enforcement by the Mayor, Director of Parks and Recreation and the Marshal and his or her deputies.
(a) No person shall engage in smoking or the use of tobacco in or at a Village building or facility, or within fifty (50) feet of any entrance to the same.
(b) No person shall enter any restricted area of a Village building or facility, or any area for which the notice, AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY, is posted.
(e) No person shall flush or discard via toilets feminine hygiene products or other products not suitable for toilets.
(f) No person shall bounce, hit, kick or throw balls within the vestibule, in the main lobby or in any corridor of a Village building or facility other than the gymnasium.
(g) No person shall engage in rough, boisterous play in the vestibule, main lobby or in any corridor or rooms of a Village building or facility.
(h) No person shall apply tape of any kind to any floor in a Village building or facility, except that painter's tape may be utilized to secure power cords.
(i) No person shall hit or throw any baseballs or softballs in a Village building or facility. For baseball practice, wiffle balls may be used.
(j) No person shall maliciously and or inappropriately tamper with electrical receptacles, light switches or electrical control boxes or panels.
(k) Upon conclusion of the usage and or rental of a Village building or facility, all waste baskets must be emptied, including those found in common areas, the concessions room, restrooms and gymnasium. Floors must be dust mopped and or swept and any discarded items must be removed from floors if applicable.
(2) If the Mayor or the Marshal, or his or her deputies, find that any renting party, and any persons therewith, are in violation of the rules of conduct set forth herein, it shall be noted on the Post Rental Inspection Report. If a violation of the rules of conduct results in uncleanliness, harm to person(s), or damage to property, the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall withhold the refund of the security deposit paid by the renting party. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the Village Police Department from filing appropriate criminal charges against any renting party against whom there is substantial evidence of theft of or damage to Village property.
4009.07. Refunds
(1) Except as otherwise provided, the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall issue a refund of all fee(s) paid to any renting party canceling any Village building or facility rental, provided that notice of the same is provided to the Mayor, or his or her designee, at least 72 hours preceding the date and time of the rental.
(2) A renting party may opt to refuse a refund as provided in this Rule. If so desired, the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall receipt the fee(s) amount to be refunded as a donation posted to the appropriate Village fund.
4009.08. Receipt of Payments of Rates
(1) The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall receipt and post to the Civic Center Fund all deposits and payments received for reservations and rentals of the Rutland Civic Center.
(2) The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall receipt and post to the James Vennari Park Fund all deposits and payments received for reservations and rentals of the James Vennari Park Shelter House.
4010—Security of Village Facilities
4010.01. Master Key Box
(1) The Mayor shall keep in his or her office a secured master key box containing the master key to each Village building and room therein. If a master key is accessed from the master key box, the date and time of access and return, by whom, and for which room the master key was accessed shall be documented in a record prescribed by the Mayor.
(2) A violation of this Rule shall constitute a class I rule infraction.
4010.02. Issuance of Keys
(1) The Mayor shall have access to all Village buildings and rooms and shall issue all duplicates of keys to Village buildings, rooms and secured boxes, safes or containers only in accordance with this Rule.
(2) The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall have a duplicate key for the following:
(a) All exterior entrances of the Rutland Civic Center.
(b) All administrative offices.
(c) Concessions room.
(d) Village deposit boxes and safes.
(3) The Village Marshal shall have a duplicate key for the following:
(a) Main entrance of the Rutland Civic Center.
(b) Office of the Marshal and Village Police Department.
(4) The Village Code Enforcement Officer shall have a duplicate key for the following:
(a) Main entrance of the Rutland Civic Center.
(b) Office of the Marshal and Village Police Department.
(5) The Village Street Commissioner shall have a duplicate key for the following:
(a) All exterior entrances of the Rutland Civic Center.
(b) Custodial supply room.
(c) Electrical control boxes.
(d) Mechanical rooms.
(e) Maintenance shop.
(e) Office of the Street Commissioner and Village Service Department.
(6) The Director of Parks and Recreation shall have a duplicate key for the following:
(a) Main entrance of the Rutland Civic Center.
(b) Concessions room.
(c) Custodial supply room.
(d) Office of the Director of Parks and Recreation.
(7) The Facilities Custodian shall have a duplicate key for the following:
(a) Main entrance of the Rutland Civic Center.
(b) All administrative offices.
(c) Concessions room.
(d) Custodial supply room.
4010.03. Issuance of Keys for Public Access
4010.04. Duplication of Keys
(1) Only the Mayor shall be authorized to duplicate any key to any Village building or room.
(2) A violation of this Rule shall constitute a class II rule infraction.
4010.05. Security of Buildings and Facilities
(1) During the regular business hours of operation, only the main entrance of the Rutland Civic Center should be unlocked. All other exterior doors should remain unlocked unless the Mayor determines otherwise.
(2) The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer shall ensure all exterior doors of the Rutland Civic Center are locked at the close of business day.
(3) If the Village Marshal or a deputy marshal is on-duty and present inside the Village Police Department, one main entry door shall be unlocked for public access; however, shall be locked upon the exit of the Marshal or deputy from the Village Police Department.
(4) Offices and departments shall be locked when not occupied by personnel.
(5) A violation of this Rule shall constitute a class I rule infraction.
4010.06. Night Lighting
(1) The Rutland Civic Center shall have sufficient night lighting as to accommodate ingress and egress during night hours and as a deterrent to unlawful entry and activity. In this regard, lighting shall remain activated in the vestibule and above and near all entrances and exits. Interiorly, exit signs shall remain illuminated.
4011—Use of Tobacco Products in Village Facilities and Vehicles
4011.01. Use of Tobacco Prohibited
(1) No person shall smoke, use any form of tobacco, nor permit any person to smoke or use any form of tobacco in any Village building or vehicle. Smoking and using any form of tobacco shall be prohibited throughout any room of any Village building, including but not limited to, common rooms and facilities, corridors, entryways, lawns and near doors, windows and grounds, parking areas and storage areas.
4011.02. Enforcement
(1) The Village will have erected and maintained the appropriate signage to enforce this Rule, such posted at the entrances to the grounds and Village buildings, in common areas, and in conspicuous areas within and outside the buildings.
(2) Reasonable and necessary action to ensure compliance with the terms and provisions of this Rule will be taken. Residents, employees and visitors shall be encouraged to report any and all associated violations. Residents and employees are responsible for the actions of their guests. Failure to adhere to any of the conditions of this Rule will constitute both a material non-compliance and a serious violation of the Administrative Rules of the Village of Rutland.
(3) Persons causing damages as a result of violating this Rule will be responsible for all associated repair costs.