Rule 1. Title.

The provisions herein shall constitute the Rules of the Council of the Village of Rutland, which may be referred to and cited as “Rules of the Council” or “Council R. _____”.

Rule 2. Severability.

When any provision of the Rules of the Council is found to be invalid by law, or by municipal ordinance or resolution of the Council, it shall be held invalid only in part to the extent that such part is contradictory with such law, ordinance or resolution, and the remaining portion of the provision shall be held valid.

Rule 3. Amendments.

Any proposed amendment or supplement to the Rules of the Council shall be introduced and adopted by resolution of the Council in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article VII of the Rules of the Council. No provision or section of the rules adopted which restrict or conflict with those rights provided by the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Ohio, or the Laws of the State of Ohio, or the Laws and Ordinances of the Village of Rutland shall have any force or effect.

Rule 4.—9. Reserved.
