Patients present to physicians searching for more than scientific names to call their maladies. They rather enter examination rooms with value-laden narratives of illness, suffering, hopes, and worries. One potentially helpful paradigm, inspired in part by existentialism, is to see patients on a search for meaning. This perspective is particularly important in the seemingly meaningless ruins of modernity. Here, we will summarize Victor Frankl's account of logotherapy found in his much-circulated book Man's Search for Meaning and assess the limitations imposed by his religious agnosticism. At best he can offer patients a finite, impersonal meaning this side of the grave. Following Kierkegaard's depiction of the religious sphere of existence, American novelist Walker Percy will be shown to supplement logotherapy with a theological mooring. The spiritual crisis of the modern world is treatable only by Christian faith supplying ultimate meaning. Taken together, Frankl and Percy show how Catholic physicians can be guides in their patients' personal searches for meaning. This paradigm may prove chiefly beneficial in goals of care conversations, encountering "aesthetic" patients living only for pleasure, and engaging patients amidst tragedy-ridden circumstances. Although only Christian faith will ultimately satisfy the search for meaning, we first of all need encouragement to take responsibility for seeking meaning, and confidence that even the most hopeless situation can become meaningful.

Summary:  Victor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning can enlighten clinical encounters for physicians to see patients on a search for meaning, particularly amidst suffering and tragedy in a post-modern world lacking transcendence. As shown in Walker Percy's literature, however, ultimate meaning can only be found in Christian faith where the Word became flesh and continues to dwell among us.

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He underlines the importance of experience being as valuable as achieving some substantial or incorporeal notion. The external world around us lays stress on achievement while our inner world relies on a myriad of experiences through which we fashion our decisions and mould our lives. This conflict can be resolved through therapeutic practices which stress upon the value of experiences in order to help in our search for meaning.

Medical and psychological discourse on end-of-life care has steadily shifted over the years from focusing primarily on symptom control and pain management to incorporating more person-centred approaches to patient care. Such approaches underscore the significance of spirituality and meaning making as important resources for coping with emotional and existential suffering as one nears death. Though existential themes are omnipresent in end-of-life care, little has been written about their foundations or import for palliative care practitioners and patients in need. In this article, we explore the existential foundations of meaning and spirituality in light of terminal illness and palliative care. We discuss existential themes in terms of patients' awareness of death and search for meaning and practitioners' promotion of personal agency and responsibility as patients face life-and-death issues. Viktor Frankl's existential logotherapy is discussed in light of emerging psychotherapeutic interventions. Meaning-centred group therapy is one such novel modality that has successfully integrated themes of meaning and spirituality into end-of-life care. We further explore spiritual and existential themes through this meaning-oriented approach that encourages dying patients to find meaning and purpose in living until their death. be457b7860

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