I am trying to help my father get proof that his ship the USS Inchon was off the coast of Haiphong Harbor 1972 -1973, but the US Navy has no records that the Inchon was there. I have photos, but I need deck logs or something to help my dads Comp Case with the VA.

Here is the main documents you need to prove the Department of the Navy knows they were there, the VA doesn't acknowledge it and you have to provide them with the burden of proof. In laments terms you need to provide them with documents. But this following document should be sufficient enough for your fathers VA claim. Please see page#3 of the document. -operation-reports/vietnam/Inchon%201973.pdf

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You will need file an appeal or a "NOD" Notice of Disagreement they paperwork should be included in their denial on what you need to do. Also would advise working with local County Veterans Service Office they can provide much need help and guidance. 152ee80cbc

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