Viekash Vinoth Kumar


About Me

I’m a Machine Learning Engineer on the ML Infrastructure team at SambaNova Systems, driving high-priority model bring-ups and urgent customer requests, as well as strategic ML pipeline automation and infrastructure efficiency initiatives. Collaborating on cross-layer projects, I accelerate end-to-end development velocity on Reconfigurable Dataflow Units, deploying Generative LLMs (Language & Multimodal) training, pre-training, fine-tuning, and inference—for developers, national laboratories, and private enterprises within critical deadlines over Cloud & On-Perm. My expertise stems from a funded robotics master's at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Robotics Institute - School of Computer Science with Computer Vision (CV), Deep Learning (DL) & Machine Learning (ML) depth and Software Engineer Intern experience at JBT Corporation - Automated Systems & Robotics.

My unwavering commitment to solving complex real-world Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered automation challenges, coupled with a strong desire to democratize affordable and accessible technology, drives career aspirations in my speciality.

Given my strong academic background, prestigious accolades, 5+ years of extensive practical experience developing industry-relevant solutions in diverse CV, DL and ML global ventures under esteemed sponsorships, with over 9 publications, combined with my demonstrated track record of soft skills through extracurriculars & volunteering, I am an excellent candidate for a relevant position.

Professional Affiliations

Publication Venues


Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Python, MATLAB, C, C++, SQL, Embedded C, Assembly, Java Script/CSS


PyTorch, TensorFlow, TensorRT, Jax, Langchain, Keras, OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, ifm3d, Open3D, OpenGL, SPSS, CUDA, scikit-learn, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pygame, GPU Programming, Gmsh, Cura, EasyEDA, LTspice, LaTeX, Confluence, Jira, Microsoft Office


AWS, Git, Docker, Bash, TensorBoard, WandB, Jenkins, Slurm, JFrog, Grafana, Kubernetes, Qt, Tkinter, .NET, TwinCAT, Bitbucket, TortoiseGit, GitLab, Conda, Azure, Google Cloud, XML, Visual Studio, Visual C++ Code, Doxygen, Visio, Graphviz, IFM Vision Assistant - O3R Camera, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw

Design & Simulation Tools

Blender, SOLIDWORKS, ROS, Gazebo, RViz, Simulink, 3D Slicer, SOFA, ITK-SNAP, MeshLab


Windows, Linux, macOS