Privacy Statement

Incognito Browser Privacy Statement 

Latest Update: May 23, 2023

Introduction In this privacy statement, we will delve into how we handle data in our Incognito Browser application. Some of the data we utilize may fall under the category of "personal data" as per relevant laws. However, it is important to note that even when we make use of personal data, we are generally unable to personally identify you as an individual, and thus our users remain anonymous to us.

The particular types of data we collect, utilize, or otherwise process can vary depending on your usage of the application. This privacy statement outlines the instances, methods, and reasons for processing your data (including but not limited to personal data), as well as your rights in accordance with applicable laws.

Definitions Let us first establish some key terms.

Personal data: As defined by applicable laws, "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person." This encompasses data such as your IP address, device IDs, advertising IDs, and location. Whenever we describe the processing of personal data, we also provide the specific purpose behind it, as well as our legal basis for carrying out the processing.

Data controller: The entity or individual responsible for deciding whether and how to process personal data.

Data processor: A party who handles personal data on behalf of a data controller.

Legal basis: The specific legal grounds we rely on when processing personal data. We ensure compliance with the pertinent legal frameworks for data protection and privacy in all regions where we operate.

Consent: When we process personal data based on your consent, it means you have explicitly granted us permission to do so.

Legitimate interest: When we process personal data based on legitimate interest, it means we have a valid reason for utilizing the personal data (such as monetization or enhancing app functionality) that is balanced with your right to privacy.

Legal compliance: In certain instances, it becomes necessary for us to process personal data to fulfill other obligations imposed by the law, such as detecting fraud or complying with requests from law enforcement.

Incognito Browser: Our mobile application that offers secure and private browsing services.

Monetization: The process of generating revenue. Our Incognito Browser application is available for free download and use, and we monetize our product through targeted advertisements within the app. However, we never sell our users' personal data to any third parties.

Purpose: The specific objective or objectives we have for processing personal data.

Incognito Browser Data Management

In our pursuit of ensuring the utmost privacy and security for our users, we engage in various activities involving personal data, which we collectively refer to as "processing." This encompasses actions such as collecting, storing, and sharing personal data.

Data Retention: Our commitment to data minimization means that we do not retain personal data beyond what is necessary. After a specified period, we securely delete such data to respect your privacy.

Data Transfer: When personal data is transmitted or made accessible to individuals or entities outside the jurisdiction, we refer to it as "transfer." We ensure that any data transfers adhere to applicable regulations and safeguards.

Data Processing for Incognito Browser

The nature of data we process, including personal data, depends on how you utilize the Incognito Browser app. Below, we provide insights into our data processing practices.

Data Controller & Internal Processing

Incognito Browser is developed by Privacy Fab, a legally registered company. As the primary data controller for the Incognito Browser app and services, Privacy Fab ensures responsible data management.

Disclosure and Sharing of Your Information

At Incognito Browser, we hold your privacy in high regard and take diligent measures to protect your personal information. We only share your Personal Data under the following circumstances:

Affiliated Company: We may collaborate with affiliated companies to enhance our service quality. Rest assured, their processing of your Personal Data adheres to the purposes and requirements outlined in this Policy. If these companies intend to use your Personal Data for other purposes, we will seek your prior consent.

Incognito Browsing: Our Incognito Browsing feature empowers you to explore the internet without leaving any traces. We do not collect any information related to your browsing activities during this mode.

Battery Status: To optimize power usage and prolong battery life, we analyze app information, running applications, and self-starting applications on your device. By intelligently managing auxiliary processes, we ensure an enhanced power-saving experience. Additionally, we gather device information to further enhance power efficiency.

Fun Quizzes: We offer entertaining and interactive quizzes to enrich your browsing experience. To provide personalized quiz results and improve our service quality, we may collect your quiz answers.

Log Data: When you use Incognito Browser, we may collect certain data and information (through third-party products) in the event of an app error. This Log Data may include your device's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, device name, operating system version, app configuration details, timestamp of app usage, and other statistics. Rest assured, we utilize this information solely to enhance our service quality and never share it with any third parties without your consent.

Cookie Delights Indulging in the Sweet Symphony of Cookies

In our delightful app, we have embraced the enchantment of cookies to enhance your user experience. These delectable treats work their magic by preserving your preferences and whisking you away to the realm of faster login. To add an extra sprinkle of delight, we may even introduce some third-party cookies, serving you with tailor-made advertisements.

Embracing the Beauty of Data

We have embarked on a journey of collecting and utilizing data to weave a tapestry of excellence within the Incognito Browser app and its marvelous services. Our aim is to craft a bespoke experience for you, where content and advertisements dance harmoniously to your tune. To achieve this masterpiece, we hold dear the following types of data:

Device information, such as device type and operating system 

Usage information, such as pages visited and searches made 

Location information, such as the country where the app is being used

Cookies as Divine Companions

Within the realm of our digital sanctuary, cookies cast their charm on our websites. They possess extraordinary talents in session management, ensuring that your settings and preferences are forever cherished. With their loyal companions, we gather glimpses into your browsing endeavors on our websites—the pages you visit, the links you click, and the precious time you spend in our digital oasis. This trove of insights allows us to fashion a browsing experience that is uniquely tailored for you, empowering us to understand and improve our cherished websites.

Enchanting Partnerships with Third-Party Services

To deepen our understanding of how our applications are utilized, we join hands with esteemed third-party services such as the illustrious Google Analytics. These partners, with their discerning gaze, collect precious information about your usage of our applications—your IP address, device details, and the enchanting paths you traverse. Armed with these insights, we refine and elevate our applications and services, enveloping you in a realm of seamless excellence.

Within our applications, we may also extend an invitation to third-party content or links, such as captivating advertisements. These captivating experiences may gather information about your usage of our applications or other digital domains. It is important to note that these third-party services are guided by their own privacy policies, and their enchanting practices are beyond our control.

Preserving the Essence of Data

We cherish your personal data, nurturing it like a precious gem, for as long as it serves its noble purpose. This includes fulfilling our commitment to provide you with exceptional services, abiding by our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and safeguarding our agreements. Additionally, we may retain certain information for a longer duration to serve legitimate business purposes, such as preserving our historical records or unraveling captivating trends within our user base.

Transcending Boundaries

In our quest for excellence, we may transport your personal data to lands beyond the borders of the United States and the European Economic Area. These journeys are undertaken to process and store your data. Rest assured, when we embark on these adventures, we take great care to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect your data. We weave a cloak of security, relying on standard contractual clauses approved by the esteemed European Commission.

Empowering Your Rights

You possess certain rights when it comes to your personal data, bestowed upon you like precious treasures. You have the right to access, correct, delete, or restrict the processing of your personal data. Moreover, you may also raise your voice in objection to the processing of your personal data, or request to receive your personal data in a structured, machine-readable format—unveiling its secrets in a language your devices can comprehend. You can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact information provided below.

Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at