Video SEO: Simple Ways to Boost the Visibility of Your Videos on Search Results

Search engines love videos. This is why seo marketing Gold Coast strategies also leverage videos. Videos can be as short as a few seconds or as long as an entire episode of your favorite show. What's more, they're increasingly becoming the primary means by which people find information online—and that makes them even more important than ever when you want to get discovered on search engines.

But if you've got the right kind of video and well-written title tags and descriptions, you could increase your chance of getting those coveted top search results from Google!

Add a transcript and captions to videos

Adding captions and transcripts to your videos is a great way to improve the visibility of your video on search results. Google uses "Transcriptions" as keywords when it indexes videos, so adding transcripts will increase the number of searches that can be performed with the same keyword or phrase.

Google also uses "Description" as a primary ranking signal for YouTube search results, so including a descriptive summary in your title tag is important. The description should include all relevant keywords from both YouTube's Knowledge Graph (which includes their own data about what people are searching for) and other sources like Wikipedia or Wiktionary (if available).

The captions themselves don't directly impact how well you rank for specific phrases; however, if someone types those same exact words into Google or another search engine instead of just watching your video without sound, then they'll still see something useful related to what they're looking for!

Create a transcript of your video

A transcript is a great way to make your video more accessible, searchable and visible on search results. It also helps with seo marketing Gold Coast by giving you an easy way to add keywords in the text of your transcript.

In addition, transcripts help with voice search and social media content sharing because they can be shared across all platforms without having to worry about copyright issues. This means that if someone shares a link or embeds one of your videos on another site, they're able to do so without violating any copyright laws!

Don't upload your video in multiple formats

If you're looking to get more views, don't upload a video in multiple formats.

If your video has been uploaded in both MP4 format and WebM format, YouTube will only show the embedded version on its search results page—and this can impact how well it ranks in the algorithm. If a viewer clicks on one of these results, they'll be taken straight to the original source of their choice (the full-length version).

This can also cause problems if someone clicks through from an article or blog post that links back to your video as well as other related ones like this one from, which explains why publishers need control over their own assets so they can make sure they're working consistently across platforms like Facebook Watch or YouTube Gaming!

Optimize the Title and Description of Your Video

The title is the most important part of your video because it will be displayed in search results, so you want it to be short and descriptive. SEO Marketing Gold Coast also includes titles and descriptions.

The description is also important because it can help people find your video more easily on YouTube (and other platforms) when they're looking for something specific like "how-to" or "how-to videos." In addition, try using keywords in your titles whenever possible—this will make them easier for viewers who are looking for those words when searching online!

In addition, make sure that each video has its own unique description; this helps ensure that users know what content they'll find if they click through from one page over another (e.g., if someone searches "how-to" but doesn't see any results come up immediately then maybe they might just assume that no such thing exists).


There are a lot of ways to improve the visibility of your videos on search results and make them more accessible to people looking for videos. The first step is to analyze where your videos rank on Google, Bing and Yahoo. Then, you can use keyword research tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to find new keywords around them so that they will show up more often when someone searches for something related. Finally, create captions that explain what each speaker says in English (or whatever language you're speaking), as well as translate into other languages if necessary.