We are recruiting highly motivated master, Ph.D. students who are interesting in conducting cutting-edge data visualization and analysis research. We will work together to develop the techniques which solve the large-scale data problem in scientific simulations, and systems that facilitate information applications such as social network, machine learning, questionnaire, transaction and traffic data analysis. For more examples of our lab's research, please check here , or check my students' works (alumni section).

Because I am the coordinator for the dual-degree program with Uppsala University, I also encourage my students to apply for the program and pursuit the master's degree at Uppsala.

(We expect to recruit 4 0 new master's students for the upcoming academic year.)

Preferred qualifications:

  • Proficiency in C/C++, parallel programming, Python, JavaScript or D3.js

  • Good at English academic paper reading and writing

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills

What you will learn: research experience, scientific visualization techniques, visualization system design and implementation, GPU programming, large-scale data process, HPC (supercomputer) system, library development or experience of collaboration with other domains' experts

Contact: if you are interested in working with us, please feel free to contact us via "kcwang at ntnu.edu.tw" (Ko-Chih Wang, 王科植). You are welcome to briefly introduce yourself (your background, technical skills, and project/research experience) and ask any questions in the email. We will reply to you soon!!!

You are also welcome to visit our lab and talk with my students at room 109, 應用科學大樓.