I've mentioned before that I once worked at a tattoo shop. Surprisingly, my fondest memories of that time are not tied to the buzzing of the tattoo machine or the squeals coming from individuals who decided to pierce sensitive areas that should be kept away from needles at all times. Instead, my favorite recollections are from the time spent between clients, the moments where everyone in the shop became a family sitting in front of a television or listening to music and chewing the fat. Those idle hours were also spent talking about tattoo artists. If I was part of the conversation, the name Horiyoshi III would inevitably pop up. At the time, what we knew about Horiyoshi III came from tattoo magazine articles and rumor. He was a mythical figure that hid somewhere in Japan and created some of the most amazing works of art you could ever find on human skin. You had to wait for years to be tattooed by him and, if you complained or somehow messed up the protocol, he would kick you out of his studio and never work on you again.

horiyoshi2009/4/30 14:09 Hi.

I have been to Horiyoshis museum, met his wife, but I didn't get to meet the man himself or get tattooed by him. The museum is amazing if you have any interest at all in Irezumi. Well worth the visit. He doesn't take appointments by the internet so you have to either call or send a letter. When I talked to his wife she said there was a 3 month wait, and that he doesn't do tebori (traditional hand tattoing) much anymore. I'm not too sure if he can speak English, but I read that he feels that if people want to get tattooed by him, they should try to communicate with him in Japanese. But if you can't get an appointment with him, there are many great japanese tattooists around; Catclaw Tattoo in Kyoto, Chopstick Tattoo in Osaka, Trick or Tattoo in Nara etc. 

Even if you can't get an appointment, I recommend the museum. You can buy all of his amazing artbooks there (108 Demons, 36 Ghosts etc) as well as large prints and t-shirts.by The Myth (guest)rate this post as useful

New Horiyoshi III Article

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hope this helps2005/6/21 16:07 dude you have taste in his designs!! to be fair im looking to go to horiyoshi myself but have heard that it can take anything upto a year to get an appointment with him

by adamrate this post as useful

I don't have too much time to post at the moment, but it brings to mind a few things I've been chewing on for awhile now, mainly: what impact do the images you permanently mark yourself with have on your life/life energy, if any? Robert Ryan had some interesting things to say about this in his interview in the most recent Tattoo Culture Magazine (voodoo symbols and a guy dying soon after the tattoo was finished) (I'm writing this quickly, forgive me for any sloppiness!), and I remember at some point, somewhere (don't remember where!) reading that Horiyoshi 3 was tattooing his son and had not finished either one of the symbols or some of the characters...dammit...I don't remember and now I will be looking for this article to post here. The point is that something wasn't finished, something 'bad' or unlucky happened, and once the characters were finished the imbalance was righted.

I have always done art, ever since I could remember, from the age of about 2. Anything I could pick up and draw with I did. Once I remember getting in trouble for drawing on all of the furniture and walls with crayons at the age of 3. The tattoo muse struck me in the early l970's after I had seen an article done about tattoos in a men's magazine. The article was on Cliff Raven and his work. At that time there were no tattoo magazines so this venue seemed to be the only happening way for a tattooist to show their work.

The southern hemisphere represented by two articles on two different subjects: serious problem about rising number of backyard tattooers in Australia and another one about cultural differences experienced by New Zealand athletes visiting Japan.

In this article, Andrew Dickens talks about his experience getting a small tattoo of a cherry blossom (Sakura) while in Japan. This tattoo is quite simple, but represents a little bit of culture and gave Andrew the opportunity to learn about the controversial history.

The book publications and national and international press articles connected to Master Horiyoshi III are countless. His productivity is so immense that his senior apprentice Alex Kofuu Reinke Horikitsune and Horiyoshi III family friend Matti Senju Sedholm Horimatsu founded the Kofuu-Senju publications limited company in 2009 in Horiyoshi III's name. Their goal is to produce legendary, quality books on the subjects of Irezumi, Zen, and Japanese culture in general under chairmanship of Horiyoshi III.

This article is by Chuck Eldridge at the Tattoo Archives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Reprinted here by his kind permission. Mr. Eldridge is a tattooist, and an acknowledged historian on the subject of tattoo history. If there is anything you want to know about the Tattoo World, Mr. Eldridge is your man. 

1905 Paul Rogers is born, September 9, in Couches Creek, North Carolina; Fred Marquand is born

1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire 

1907 Charles Dana Gibson's "Gibson Girl" is considered the model of femininity

 1908 Bakelite, a water resistant, electrical insulator and easily machined plastic, is invented

1909 Conservative Republican and tattooed Senator Barry Goldwater is born

 1910 Paul's father, a timber cutter, dies in Asheville, North Carolina; Tattooed King Edward VII dies

1911 Tattooed King George V is crowned; Sailor Jerry Collins is born

 1912 Paul's family moves to Peachtree, North Carolina with his mother's family the McGuires; an iceberg sinks the Titanic, drowning 1,595

 1913 US Income tax law goes into effect

 1914 Telephone line installed between New York and San Francisco

 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco; Clyde W. Forsman is born 1916 Bert Grimm obtains first tattoo license in Chicago

 1917 Tattooed Czar Nicholas II abdicates and is imprisoned

 1918 Paul's family moves to Spartanburg, South Carolina

 1919 Paul's family moves to Catacee, South Carolina. Paul works in hydraulic powered, 4 story cotton mill

1920 American women win the right to vote

 1921 Capt. Jack Howard dies; United States influenza deaths reported to have far exceeded war causalities

 1922 Annie Oakley breaks existing record for women's trap shooting, 98 out of 100

1923 Dance "till you drop" marathons are all the rage

1924 George Gerswhin transfixes audiences with his composition "Rhapsody in Blue"

 1925 B.B. King, American blues guitarist is born on September 16th 1926; Paul, age 21, gets his first tattoo from Chet Cain; Scottish inventor John L. Baird shows something called television

 1927 Charles Lindbergh flies Atlantic alone Ford offers Model A; gets 50,000 orders

 1928 Paul starts tattooing in October; Amelia Earhart becomes first women to fly over Atlantic

 1929 Paul meets Irma McClain in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Stock market crash, "Black Thursday", October 24; Percy Waters files tattoo machine patent

 1930 Thomas Edison tests first electric passenger train between Hoboken and Montclair, New Jersey

 1931 Paul and Irma part, but she bares him a daughter, Faye Ray; Inventor, Thomas Alva Edison dies at the age of 84

 1932 Paul starts on the road with the J.J. Page Show and later that year works with John T. Rea and meets Helen Winter

 1933 Paul and Helen marry on October 14, in Kittaning, Pennsylvania and move to Spartanburg, South Carolina where Paul works the Happy Land Shows

 1934 Leonard, Helen and Paul's first child is born on October 16; George Burchett begins tattooing the Great Omi

 1935 During the winter, Paul works at Drayton cotton mill in Spartanburg, South Carolina; Will Rogers, born in 1879, dies in an airplane crash near Point Barrow, Alaska

 1936 Paul is back on the road with the John T. Rea Side Show. Tattoo article featuring Horiyoshi II appears in Life Magazine

 1937 Paul and Helen live in Drayton, South Carolina and work the Happy Land Shows

 1938 Willis, Helen and Paul's second child is born on April 6, in Spartanburg, South Carolina; George Burchett is the first tattoo artist to appear on television; the photocopy machine invented

 1939 Paul quits the road

1940 First draft number is drawn in United States

 1941 Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

 1942 Paul moves to Charleston, South Carolina, and opens his first tattoo shop; Honolulu, Hawaii starts issuing tattoo permits

 1943 United States Supreme Court rules unconstitutional the State practice of requiring students to salute the flag

1944 Norman Rockwell's famous painting of the tattooed sailor appears on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post's March 4th issue

 1945 Paul begins his 5 year association with Coleman starting in Norfolk, Virginia; Tattooist Don Ed Hardy is born

 1946 Sailor George Fosdick dies

 1947 Greg Irons is born; Mildred Hull, tattooed lady/artist, dies in New York

 1948 Mathatma Gandhi is assassinated; State of Israel is established

1949 David, Helen and Paul's third child is born on July 26; Lathan Connelly arrives in Norfolk, Virginia from Petersburg, Virginia

 1950 Norfolk city officials close down all tattoo shops; Paul and Connelly open shops in Petersburg, Virginia and Jacksonville, North Carolina 

1951 Tattoo article appears in Life Magazine

1952 Percy Waters, born 1888, dies

 1953 Charlie Wagner dies in New York City: George Burchett, born 1872, dies in England

 1954 Bill Haley and the Comets record "Rock Around the Clock"

 1955 Paul and the family move to Jacksonville, North Carolina; Huck Spaulding opens shop on Court Street in Jacksonville and Paul joins him later; Tattoo cover appears on the Saturday Evening Post

1956 Two months after Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of the bus, a boycott of the bus system begins in Montgomery, Alabama

 1957 In New York, fans chase Giants to clubhouse, steal souvenirs on last game before the move to California

1958 W.C. Handy, composer of "Memphis Blues" and "St. Louis Blues", dies at the age of 84 in New York

1959 Alaska becomes 49th and largest state; the hula hoop is introduced as America's newest fad

1960 Paul and Huck close Jacksonville North Carolina shop and go to Alaska, but after 1 month they move back and re-open shop in Jacksonville

 1961 Paul and the family move to New Jersey and Paul works with Sailor Eddie Evans in Camden

1962 Two of the Flying Wallendas are killed in a high-wire act in Detroit, Michigan: John Glenn becomes first American to orbit earth

 1963 Paul moves from Camden, New Jersey to Jacksonville Beach, Florida with old time tattooist, Bill Williamson; John F. Kennedy, assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November

 1964 Bill Williamson dies and Paul inherits the Jacksonville Beach shop; Christian Warlich dies

 1965 Sir Winston Churchill, born 1874, dies in Great Britain; California becomes the largest state in population

 1966 The mini-skirt, complimented by headbands, beads and plastic boots make the fashion scene

 1967 10,000 hippies rally at a New York "Be-In ; the first heart transplant is performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnhard in Cape Town, South Africa

 1968 Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy are assassinated; San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury is a hippie haven

 1969 Mankind makes its greatest leap: to the moon

 1970 Paul works Atlantic City with Ernie Carafa. Later Paul buys his trailer in Jacksonville Beach, Flordia and begins working "at home"

 1971 Hank Aaron joins Babe Ruth and Willie Mays at 600+ home run mark

 1972 Tattoo article featuring Lyle Tuttle appears in Life Magazine; Milton Zeis dies

 1973 August Bernard Coleman dies; Sailor Jerry dies

 1974 Lyle Tuttle's Tattoo Art Museum opens to the public in San Francisco, California

 1975 American blues guitarist and vocalist, Aaron "T Bone" Walker dies 1976 North American Tattoo Club holds its first convention in Houston, Texas in January

 1977 Doc Forbes dies in Canada

 1978 Carol Nightingale files patent for tattoo machine

 1979 National's first Tattoo Convention held in Denver, Colorado

 1980 Leonard "Stoney" St. Clair born 1912, dies

 1981 Betty Broadbent becomes first person admitted to the Tattoo Hall of Fame

 1982 Helen dies at 70 years of age on November 27 and is buried at Greenlawn Cemetery in Portsmouth, Virginia; Queen Mary Expo held in Long Beach, California

1983 Paul is admitted to the Tattoo Hall of Fame; Betty Broadbent, born 1909, dies

1984 First Amsterdam Tattoo Foundation Convention

 1985 Bert Grimm dies

 1986 Doc Webb dies

1987 Philadelphia Eddie's National Tattoo Museum opens to the public

1988 Paul suffers stroke

 1989 Paul's friends in the tattoo community join together and produce a benefit flash book to help with his medical expenses

 1990 After 56 years in the tattoo profession, Paul dies in a nursing home in Jacksonville, Florida at the age of 84 and leaves his entire collection to the Tattoo Archive in Berkeley, California

 1991 To honor his memory, the Tattoo Archive presents The Life and Times of Paul Rogers, an exhibit in Oakland, California


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