Victor Vargas


Welcome to my homepage, I am a colombian mathematician mainly interested in studying properties of transfer operators defined on suitable dynamical contexts and their applications in problems related with ergodic optimization and thermodynamic formalism. My research interests deal with the areas of Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics and Probability.
My rdős number is 3 (via A. O. Lopes -> R. D. Mauldin -> P. Erdős).


A Large deviations principle at zero temperature for stationary Markov equilibrium states on countable Markov shifts

arXiv preprint, 2023.

Existence of the zero-temperature limit of equilibrium states on topologically transitive countable Markov shifts

Joint work with E. Beltran, J. Littin and C. Maldonado

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 43 (10), 3231-3254, 2023.

Uniqueness and statistical properties of the Gibbs state on general one-dimensional lattice systems with Markovian structure

Stochastics and Dynamics 23 (5), 2350038, 2023.

Grand-canonical Thermodynamic Formalism via IFS: volume, temperature, gas pressure and grand-canonical topological pressure

Joint work with A. O. Lopes, E. R. Oliveira, and W. S. Pedra

arXiv preprint, 2023.

Noncommutative integration, quantum mechanics, Tannaka's theorem for compact groupoids and examples

Joint work with A. O. Lopes and M. Sebastiani

arXiv preprint, 2023.

Entropy, pressure, ground states and calibrated sub-actions for linear dynamics

Joint work with A. O. Lopes

Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series 53 (3), 1073-1106, 2022.

On involution kernels and large deviations principles on β-shifts

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 42 (6), 2699–2718, 2022.

Existence of Gibbs states and maximizing measures on a general one-dimensional lattice system with Markovian structure

Joint work with R. R. Souza

Qualitative theory of dynamical systems 21 (1), 5, 2022.

Invariant probabilities for discrete time linear dynamics via thermodynamic formalism

Joint work with A. O. Lopes, A. Messaoudi and M. Stadlbauer

Nonlinearity 34 (12), 8359–8391, 2021.

The Ruelle operator for symmetric β-shifts

Joint work with A. O. Lopes

Publicacions Matemàtiques 64 (2), 661-680, 2020.

Gibbs states and Gibbsian specifications on the space ℝ

Joint work with A. O. Lopes

Dynamical Systems 35 (2), 216-241, 2020.

Equilibrium states and zero temperature limit on topologically transitive countable Markov shifts

Joint work with R. Freire

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 370 (12), 8451-8465, 2018.

Ph.D. Thesis

Sobre existência de estados de equilíbrio e limite em temperatura zero para shifts de Markov topologicamente mixing

University of São Paulo, 2015.

M.Sc. Dissertation

Connecting-lemma y Closing-lemma en flujos seccional-Anosov

National University of Colombia, 2011.


University of Porto  Center for Mathematics Rua do Campo Alegre 687Building FC1 4169-007 Porto, Portugal


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You can find a copy of my CV here.